Sunday, May 27, 2018

5-14-18 27-CR-18-9316 Transcript Shows Hennepin Judical Officer Dickstein Conspiring With City Of Brooklyn Park City Attorney Amanda Grossman To Illegally Withhold Evidence From Poor, Black, Falsely Accused James Campbell? Transcript Denied Until "Poor, Black, Falsely Accused" Removed From Supplemental Affidavit For Proceeding In Forma Pauperis? Hennepin Court Electronically Transfers Data To Poor, Black, Fasely Accused James Campbell But Not City Of Brooklyn Park? Nemmers Turns Dickstein Into The Judicial Selection Committee? Brooklyn Park City Council Member Rich Gates Willfully Refuses To Investiage Criminal Misconduct?

Lion New: Brooklyn Park Council Member Rich Gates Says Won’t Investigate Criminal Misconduct?


State of Minnesota,
vs.      Transcript of Proceedings File No. 27-CR-18-9316
James Howard Campbell,

The above-entitled matter came before the Honorable Mel Dickstein, Judge of District Court at the Hennepin County Courthouse – Brookdale, Minneapolis, Minnesota, on May 14, 2018 at 9:45 a.m.


Amanda Grossman, Assistant Brooklyn Park City Attorney, appeared on behalf of the State of Minnesota.
James Campbell, appeared as a self-represented litigant.


THE CLERK: Calling from Page 37, James Howard Campbell.

MS. GROSSMAN: Amanda Grossman, appearing on behalf of Brooklyn Park.
THE COURT: All right.
THE COURT: Good morning. And you’re Mr. Campbell?
THE DEFENDANT: That would be me, Judge.
THE COURT: All right. Good morning, Mr. Campbell.
THE DEFENDANT: Good morning.
THE COURT: Mr. Campbell, you’re here without a lawyer.
THE DEFENDANT: That is correct.
THE COURT: Do you understand you have a right to a lawyer --
THE COURT: -- and if you couldn’t afford one and qualified, I would appoint a lawyer to represent you.
THE DEFENDANT: That’s correct.
THE COURT: You may have been here when I explained to Mr. Webb before what lawyers do and how they can be helpful. Did you hear that?

THE COURT: All right. And did you understand it?
THE DEFENDANT: I understand it completely.
THE COURT: Do you have any questions of me?
THE DEFENDANT: Yes, I have a question with you,
Your Honor, I have been woefully –- the information pertaining to my case has been woefully withheld from me and I have a problem with that. And Ms. Prosecuting Attorney just told me that that would be -- I have to pay for that information. What happened to the data practice  –- that’s supposed to be readily available information to me, electronically sent to me. Then I -- 

THE COURT: Okay. So --
THE DEFENDANT: Excuse me. And then I had a call from Deputy Chief Bruley from the Brooklyn Park Police Department threatening me over the telephone last week telling me that he personally told all the city council members not to talk to poor, black James Campbell.
THE COURT: All right. So let’s find out from the –- Brooklyn Park.
MS. GROSSMAN: Your Honor, first and foremost, we have –- we have not received any discovery requests but discovery requests have been submitted to the Brooklyn Park Police Department from Mr. Campbell and an

individual by the name of Mr. Nemmers (ph)–-
THE DEFENDANT: Nemmers (ph).
MS. GROSSMAN: Nemmers (ph), sorry. Who has stated that he is not Mr. Campbell’s attorney contacted at our office requesting discovery. Under the data practices rule, Your Honor, this is not discoverable because it’s an open criminal case and as such the discovery rules apply. I sent Mr. Campbell a discovery  letter outlining how to request discovery and the fees which we charge for everyone and we haven’t heard back from him. Mr. Campbell did indicate that he emailed me. I  have not received anything, but I did tell him as soon as he complied with the fee that everyone complies with --
THE COURT: All right. So, Mr. Campbell says that under the data privacy act that he shouldn’t be charged.
THE DEFENDANT: That’s correct.
THE COURT: But I don’t express an opinion with that regard to that. I don’t know what provision of the act and I don’t have -- is being referenced and I don’t
have the act before me.
MS. GROSSMAN: And, Your Honor, and I can pull up the statute. I don’t have the exact one under but it does say data practices makes confidential any case that
is under open investigation by a police department or has

criminal charges pending which -- or open -- which is this case here.
THE COURT: I understand that’s with regard to Mr. Nemmers (ph) request for information. But now Mr. -- 

MS. GROSSMAN: No, it’s for everything, Your Honor.
THE COURT: All right. So Mr. Campbell is raising the issue of whether not he should be charged for the production of the documents that are properly --

THE DEFENDANT: Pertaining to me.
THE COURT: -- produced in the course of this criminal case. And what is the statutory support for the charge?

MS. GROSSMAN: It’s the Criminal Rules of Evidence, Your Honor, and I can –- I apologize –- I can pull up the correct statute but it does state that under, I believe it’s Rule 9 states that the State can charge reasonable reproduction fees same as defense attorneys.
THE COURT: Are you –- are you talking about the Rules of Criminal Procedure?
MS. GROSSMAN: Yes, Your Honor.
THE COURT: Because you said the Evidence Rules.
GROSSMAN: Oh, I apologize. I –- Rules of Criminal Procedure.
THE COURT: All right. Do I have the rule book?

THE COURT: All right. Let’s just take a look for a moment, Mr. Campbell. Let’s see what the prosecutor is referring to. So Rule 9, what?
MS. GROSSMAN: I’m looking, Your Honor, I apologize.
THE COURT: All right, it’s 9.05.
THE COURT: Is that what you’re referring to?
MS. GROSSMAN: Yes, Your Honor.
THE COURT: So here’s what Rule 9.05 of the Rules of Criminal Procedure provide, Mr. Campbell. This is what the prosecutor is referring to. It says –- it’s entitled “Charges and Exemptions for Reproduction of Discovery in All Cases.” It says, “A reasonable charge may be made to cover the actual costs of  reproduction but no charge may be accessed to a defendant who is 1) represented by the public defender or by an attorney working for a public defense corporation under MNSTAT, section 611.216 or 2) determined by the court under Rule 5.04 to be financially unable to obtain counsel.”

THE DEFENDANT: That’s it, I’m indigent. I’m poor, black James Campbell.
THE COURT: So would you raise your right hand?

(Whereupon the Defendant was duly sworn.)
THE COURT: All right. So, Mr. Campbell, are you currently employed?
THE DEFENDANT: No, I am not.
THE COURT: What is the source of your income?
THE DEFENDANT: Disability.
THE COURT: What do you obtain per month?
THE DEFENDANT: Right now that’s at question because there’s money being stole from me as we speak right now so that in itself is a problem.
THE COURT: Well, just tell me what amount you say you should be receiving.
THE DEFENDANT: I should be receiving anywhere from 12 to $1,300 but that’s another story too.
THE DEFENDANT: Because there’s an issue wherethere’s $28,000 that had been stolen from me as well.
THE COURT: All right. So let me ask this. Do you own a home?
THE COURT: Do you have any substantial assets?
THE COURT: Ms. Grossman, anything further?
MS. GROSSMAN: No, Your Honor.
THE COURT: All right. So I’ll find that Mr.

Campbell qualifies to receive the production of the Rule 9.05 subd. 2. And you should –- you should if you have not already make a written request to the prosecutor for those documents and the prosecutor will produce them to you.
MS. GROSSMAN: Your Honor, we were forwarded the written request that was made to the police department and he’s made the request here so we’ll send that to him.
MS. GROSSMAN: If I may, Mr. Campbell, do you still reside at 6281 Louisiana Boulevard?
THE DEFENDANT: That’s correct.
MS. GROSSMAN: Number 203.
THE DEFENDANT: That’s correct.
MS. GROSSMAN: Your Honor, it will take a little bit of time. There is electronic video that does take time to --
THE COURT: All right.
THE DEFENDANT: Five minutes?
MS. GROSSMAN: -- produce.
THE DEFENDANT: Five minutes?
MS. GROSSMAN: We have a lot of people requesting discovery so --
THE COURT: All right. This isn’t the time.

We’ll give you a couple of weeks.
MS. GROSSMAN: Thank you, Your Honor. And I’ll make sure that it gets –- all of the police reports as well as the electronic discovery gets mailed to Mr. Campbell.
THE COURT: All right. So we’re here for an arraignment. We’ll enter a not guilty plea on your behalf, Mr. Campbell.
THE DEFENDANT: Oh, no. Not –- not guilty. Not guilty.
THE COURT: Yes, that’s what I just said.
THE DEFENDANT: Right. I’m innocent.
THE COURT: That’s what I said, we’ll enter a not guilty plea. Have you receive a copy of the complaint?

THE DEFENDANT: No, I haven’t. Well, the one that I got from Hennepin County.
THE COURT: That’s what I mean. Do you require the reading here or is it sufficient that you received a copy?
THE DEFENDANT: I got it from Hennepin County. I didn’t get anything today from here so what is it that I need?

THE COURT: Let’s get you the copy of the complaint.
THE DEFENDANT: I’m familiar with the complaint, Your Honor --
THE COURT: All right. Well that’s why I’m --
THE DEFENDANT: I’m –- I’m just needing my –- I’m needing my evidence that’s woefully being withheld against me.
THE COURT: Let me explain. You’re entitled to a copy of the complaint.
THE DEFENDANT: Which I already have.
THE COURT: You’re entitled to have it read here in open court if you wish. Usually people waive that if they have a copy --
THE DEFENDANT: I’m going to waive that. I’ve already read it.
THE COURT: All right.
THE COURT: So we’ll set a new date about four weeks out. That’ll be a pretrial. A pretrial is an opportunity for you to meet with the prosecutor after you’ve received the discovery to see if your matter can be resolved.
THE CLERK: June 11 th at 9:30.

THE COURT: June 11 th at 9:30, does that work for you?
THE DEFENDANT: No, that –- we have to kind of go down the end of the month there. Could it be like in the 27 th , 28 th , somewhere around there?
THE COURT: All right.
THE CLERK: We have the 25 th or the 29 th .
THE DEFENDANT: All right, the 29 th .
THE CLERK: All right. That’s a Friday.
THE COURT: What about the following week?
THE CLERK: We can do the following week, July 2 nd or 6 th .
THE COURT: July 2 nd or 6 th ?
THE DEFENDANT: It doesn’t work for me, the 27 th works good.
THE COURT: Oh, the 27 th works, or the 29 th .
THE CLERK: 29 th , yeah.
THE COURT: The 29 th . All right, the 29 th .
THE DEFENDANT: Could that be at noon?
THE CLERK: We can do 9:30 or 1 p.m.
THE DEFENDANT: 1 p.m. that’s great.
THE COURT: All right, we’ll see you then. We’ll give you a reminder slip. Have a seat, the clerk will

all you up.
THE DEFENDANT: Thank you, Your Honor.
(End of Proceedings.

State of Minnesota,

James Howard Campbell,

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
I, Eric J. Davidson, do hereby certify that I am one of the Official Court Reporters of the District Court of the Fourth Judicial District of the State of Minnesota; I transcribed the foregoing transcript from the digital audio recording of the Court Reporter Unit to the best of my ability; that the foregoing 12 pages constitute a full, true and correct transcription of the proceedings of said hearing. 

DATED: 5/21/2018

/S/ Eric Davidson _______
Eric Davidson
Official Court Reporter
C-859 Government Center
300 Sixth Street S.
Minneapolis, MN 55487

James Campbell
Wed, May 16, 2018 at 2:21 PM
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Davidson, Eric"
Date: May 15, 2018 4:29 PM
Subject: Transcript Request 27CR189316
To: ""
Hello -
I will be the individual preparing the transcript for the hearing on 5/14/2018. You have an IFP on file so the
cost has been taken care of. I expect to have this transcript complete by no later than 5/29/2018
How would you like to take delivery of the finished transcript? For faster service, I can email you a PDF
copy of the transcript.
Please let me know either way how I should proceed.

Thank you!

Eric Davidson

Court Reporter Technical Leadworker

Our Mission - To provide justice through a system that assures equal access for the fair and timely
resolution of cases and controversies
Hennepin County District Court – Court Reporter Unit
300 South Sixth Street - C12 Govt. Ctr., Minneapolis, MN 55487-0421
Court Reporter Unit: (612) 596-2870
Direct: (612) 596-1692
Twitter:  @HennepinCourt
Website:  Hennepin County District Court
Hennepin County District Court Disclaimer: This is an official government communication. As the recipient, you are responsible for the lawful use of this information. This e-mail and any attachments may be confidential and are
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2 attachments
201805151447.pdf 118K
201805151422.pdf 61K

Transcript Denied Until "Poor, Black, Falsely Accused" Removed From Supplemental Affidavit For Proceeding In Forma Pauperis?

Hennepin Court Electronically Transfers Data To Poor, Black, Fasely Accused James Campbell But Not City Of Brooklyn Park?

James Campbell
Wed, May 23, 2018 at 8:29 PM
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Davidson, Eric"
Date: May 23, 2018 10:15 AM
Subject: RE: Transcript Request 27CR189316
To: ""
Hello Mr. Campbell –
I have attached the transcript you have requested. If a paper copy is necessary for yourself in addition to
this electronic copy, please let me know ahead of time so that I can have it ready for you since I will not
have one available immediately.

Thank you!

Eric Davidson
Court Reporter Technical Leadworker
Hennepin County District Court

Hennepin County District Court Disclaimer: This is an official government communication. As the recipient, you are responsible for the lawful use of this information. This e-mail and any attachments may be confidential and are
intended solely for the individual or organization to which they are addressed. They may contain privileged or confidential information and should not be disseminated. If you are not the intended recipient of this e-mail, you should not copy, distribute or take any action in reliance upon this e-mail or the attachments. If you received this e-mail in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete this message. Thank you.

Attachment: 5.14.2018 State v Campbell 27CR189316.pdf 149K

 Nemmers Turns Dickstein Into The Judicial Selection Committee?

from: Lion News
Tom Lyden,,,
date: Wed, May 16, 2018 at 5:10 PM
subject: Harassment Hennepin County "Retired" Judicial Officer Mel "Hates On James Campbell" Dickstein

Lee Sheehy, Chair - Judicial Selection Committee:

I've attached clear, precise and unquestionable evidence of harassment by your Hennepin County "Retired" Judicial Officer Mel "Hates On James Campbell" Dickstein. Not only is your crooked as a dog's hind leg Dickstein aiding and abetting the Brooklyn Park City Attorney Micheal "Hates on James Campbell" Colich in the illegal withholding of poor, black, falsely accused James Campbell's evidence from him, but now even Chief Hennepin County Judicial Officer Ivy S. Bernhardson is aiding and abetting on the harassment in Case No. 27-CR-18-9316 State of Minnesota vs poor, black, falsely accused James Howard Campbell. What evidence do I have? Yesterday, the day after "Retired" Judicial Officer Mel "Hates On James Campbell" Dickstein put poor, black, falsely accused James Campbell under under oath the determine that he was poor, "Retired" Judicial Officer Mel "Hates On James Campbell" Dickstein willfully refused to sign the attached Supplemental Affidavit for Proceeding in Informa Pauperis. So poor, black falsely James Campbell was forced to waste is limited and scare resources on a trip to see a signing judge. The signing judge willfully refused to sign the attached Supplemental Affidavit for Proceeding in Informa Pauperis until poor, black, falsely accused James Campbell crossed off "poor, black, falsely accused" from the Supplemental Affidavit for Proceeding in Informa Pauperis. See attached. Now some harassing transcriptionist is demanding to know how poor, black, falsely accused James Campbell wants the transcript sent to him. You will notice that poor, black, falsely accused James Campbell clearing provided a mailing address and an email address. FYI: Poor, black, falsely accused James Campbell and his witness Gloria Coney are writing up a complaint as we speak.

Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713

Lion News: Brooklyn Park City Attorney Colich Hates Poor, Black, Falsely Accused James Campbell?
Lion New: Brooklyn Park PD’s Bruley Calls To Harass Poor, Black, Falsely Accused James Campbell?
Division 1 Hennepin County Government Ctr. 300 South 6th Street Skyway Level Minneapolis, MN 55487
Division 2 - Brookdale Regional Service Ctr. 6125 Shingle Creek Parkway Brooklyn Center, MN 55430
17 min (9.0 miles) via I-94 E Fastest route now due to traffic conditions Hennepin County Service Centers 6125 Shingle Creek Pkwy, Brooklyn Center, MN 55430 Get on I-94 E from Summit Dr N 5 min (1.7 mi) Continue on I-94 E to Minneapolis. Take exit 230 from I-94 E 7 min (6.6 mi) Continue on N 4th St. Drive to South 6th St 5 min (0.7 mi) District Court Administration Office 300 South 6th St, Minneapolis, MN 55487
19 min (8.2 miles) via 53rd Ave N and I-94 E Some traffic, as usual Hennepin County Service Centers 6125 Shingle Creek Pkwy, Brooklyn Center, MN 55430 Get on I-94 E in Minneapolis from Shingle Creek Pkwy, Humboldt Ave N and 53rd Ave N 8 min (3.2 mi) Continue on I-94 E to N 4th St. Take exit 230 from I-94 E 5 min (4.2 mi) Continue on N 4th St. Drive to South 6th St 4 min (0.7 mi) District Court Administration Office 300 South 6th St, Minneapolis, MN 55487

4 attachments
27-CR-18-9316_Original_051518_Transcript_Request.pdf 453K
201805151422.pdf 61K
201805151447.pdf 118K
Fwd: Transcript Request 27CR189316_051618_221pm.pdf 100K

More to come. . . .

Related links:

Poor, Black Falsely Accused James Campbell Tosses Monkey Wrench Into 27-CR-18-9316 Malicious Prosecution By Filing Counter Criminal Complaint Against False Accuser Joseph Timothy Noonan Property Manager of TMC Management Corporation? Poor, Black Falsely Accused James Campbel Uses Hennepin Co. Chief Judicial Officer Ivy S. Bernhardson's 5-10-18 "Go To Hell!" Letter As Evidence?

Will Nemmers' Personnel Complaint Toss A Monkey Wrench Into The Malicious Prosecution Of Poor, Black, Falsely Accused James Campbell? Malicious & Retaliatory Prosecution In 27-CR-18-9316, Right? Hey City of Brooklyn Park IP Address Is Lurking & Skulking Again, Isn't it?

Why Do Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey & Hennepin Co. Sheriff Rich Stanek Hate Poor, Black, Falsely Accused James Campbell? And Why Do Hennepin Co. Deputy Administrator Jennifer DeCubellis & Mark S. Thompson Hate Poor, Black, Falsely Accused James Campbell? Hmm? Inquiring Minds Want To Know, Don't They? Why Is Hennepin Co. Sheriff Rich Stanek (IP Address: Lurking & Skulking On Lion News?

James Campbell's Sting On Corrupt Brooklyn Park Police Chief Craig Enevoldsen & City Manager Jay Stroebel? Campbell Victim Of Social Security Award Letter Scam & Theft Of Checks? Enevoldsen & Stroebel Exposed Trying To Cover Up Federal Crimes? City's Attorneys Kennedy & Gravon Have Well-Documented History Of Advising Clients To Engage In Criminal Misconduct, Don't They? Stroebel & Enevoldsen "Lawyer-Up" After Trying/Failing To Provoke An Incident With Nemmers? Corrupt City Of Brooklyn Park Caught Lurking & Skulking With IP Address ?

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Tri-County Corrections Being Used To Coerce Falsely Accused Kelly Goggleye Into Pleading Guilty To Crime He Did Not Commit? Nemmers' Recorded Phone Calls Toss A Monkey Wrench Into 05-22-18 Sentencing For 44-CR-16-478? Tri-Co. Officers Of Court Willfully Refuse To Give Kelly Forms To Apply For Public Pretender In 44-CR-18-263?

Lion News: Judge Rasmusson Uses Serial False Rape Accuser To Coerce Goggleye To Plead Guilty?

Lion News: Judge Rasmusson Uses False Tri-County Imprisonment To Coerce Goggleye To Plead Guilty?

from: Lion News
date: Wed, May 16, 2018 at 9:56 AM
subject: Chapter 13 Data Request - Policies & Procedures & Was Goggle Willfully Denied An Application For A Public Defender By Your Staff?

Andrew Larson, Executive Director (218) 470-8148 & Joey Pederson, Jail Administrator 218-470-8166:

Chapter 13 data request - Please email/file share me the following readily available, free, electronic, public data in its original searchable pdf format pursuant to 13.03 Subd 3(e):

1. Tri-County Community Corrections' resolution appointing an administratively and technically qualified Responsible Authority.
2. Tri-County Community Corrections' Notice to Commissioner of Administration: Adoption of Model Policies
3. Tri-County Community Corrections' policy and procedure manuals and custody manuals.

Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713

P.S. Isn't it true that your officers of the court . . . aka court security ... aka Tri-County Community Correction personnel willfully refused to provide prisoner Kelly Goggleye with an application for a public (pretender, right?) defender for the 03-29-18 interactive television (ITV) hearing for 44-CR-18-263? Hmm? Inquiring minds want to know, don't they?

And I requested my jail data and I have not received my jail data from Mahnomen county and Roseau county , I only received a partial jail data from Todd county. Nov 16, 2017 Statement from Kelly Goggleye

Lion News: Judge Rasmusson Uses Serial False Rape Accuser To Coerce Goggleye To Plead Guilty?
Booking Number: 1800703; Last Name: GOGGLEYE; First Name: KELLY; Middle Name: BRUCE; Date of Birth: 5/25/1986; Incarceration Date: 3/29/2018; Release Date
Andrew Larson, Executive Director 816 Marin Avenue, Suite 110 Crookston MN 56716 Phone: (218) 470-8148 Fax: (218) 470-8135 Email:
Joey Pederson Jail Administrator 218-470-8166
Lt Phil Schroeder Asst Jail Administrator 218-470-8106
Sergeant's Office (Available 24/7) 218-470-8149 or 218-470-8150
Seibel has patience with technology, a quality he says is paramount for anyone planning to conduct remote hearings. And he should know. The 8th Judicial District judge thinks he probably holds more hearings this way than any other judge in Minnesota. "I've used it almost every day since 1999," he said, which is around the time of the state's first interactive television (ITV) pilot project. In sparsely populated districts, TV hearings save money Politics Jennifer Vogel, MPR · Morris, Minn. · Aug 13, 2012

"The tribe wants to not have equal rights. They want to have above the rights of anybody else," she said. "They want some people prosecuted and not others. So there's a fight between what they want and what they say they want." Bruggeman also said that because of budget and staffing constraints, her office must prioritize and can't afford to waste time trying to prosecute weak cases. White Earth pushes for more control of law enforcement Issues Dan Gunderson, MPR · White Earth Indian Reservation, Minn. · Oct 13, 2010

Case No. 44-CR-16-478 State of Minnesota vs Kelly Bruce Goggleye
05/24/2016 Complaint-Order for Detention Index # 1 (Judicial Officer: Rasmusson, Anne Marie )
02/07/2017 Pre-trial (2:00 PM) (Judicial Officer Rasmusson, Anne Marie) Result: Held
04/25/2017 Pre-trial (9:00 AM) (Judicial Officer Rasmusson, Anne Marie) Result: Held
01/09/2018 CANCELED Pre-trial (9:00 AM) (Judicial Officer Rasmusson, Anne Marie) Other
01/31/2018 CANCELED Jury Trial (9:00 AM) (Judicial Officer Rasmusson, Anne Marie) Other
02/07/2018 CANCELED Jury Trial (9:00 AM) (Judicial Officer Rasmusson, Anne Marie) Other
03/29/2018 ITV Conducted
04/12/2018 CANCELED Evidentiary Hearing (9:00 AM) (Judicial Officer Rasmusson, Anne Marie) Other
4/24/2018 CANCELED Sentencing (9:00 AM) (Judicial Officer Rasmusson, Anne Marie) Other
03/27/2018 Reset by Court to 04/24/2018
04/26/2018CANCELED Sentencing (1:00 PM) (Judicial Officer Rasmusson, Anne Marie) Other
05/08/2018 Transcript Index # 106
05/22/2018 Sentencing (9:00 AM) (Judicial Officer Rasmusson, Anne Marie)

Case No. 44-CR-18-263 State of Minnesota vs KELLY BRUCE GOGGLEYE
Charges: GOGGLEYE, KELLY BRUCE 1. Contempt of Court - Constructive - disobedience of lawful judgment, order, or process of court (Not applicable - GOC)
03/27/2018 E-filed Comp-Warrant Index # 1
03/29/2018 ITV Conducted
04/03/2018 Arraignment (9:00 AM) (Judicial Officer Rasmusson, Anne Marie) Result: Held
05/22/2018 Motion Hearing (2:00 PM) (Judicial Officer Rasmusson, Anne Marie) 05/01/2018 Reset by Court to 05/22/2018


from: Lion News
date: Wed, May 23, 2018 at 8:10 AM
subject: Chapter 13 Data Request - Tri-Corrections' Malicious Imprisonment Used To Coerce Innocent Googleye To Plead Guilty?

Warren Strandell Regional Corrections Board Chair/Polk County Vice-Chair (218) 773-0051 (H) (701) 741-4925 (C) & Steven Bommersbach, Norman Co. Vice Chair/ Regional Corrections Board Vice Chair (218) 584-5512:

Chapter 13 data request - Please email/file share me the following readily available, free, electronic, public data in its original searchable pdf format pursuant to 13.03 Subd 3(e):

1. DOC Facility Inspection Report Issued By The Minnesota Department of Corrections Pursuant to MN Statute 241.021, Subdivision 1 for the years 2010-2018

Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713

P.S. Why is your officer of the court Sgt Kitty willfully refusing to give applications for public (pretender, right?) defenders to your prisoner Kelly Bruce Goggleye? Hmm? Inquiring minds want to know, don't they?
P.S.S. Why is it talking Tri-Co. Executive Director Andrew Larson so long to email me readily available, free, electronic public data, hmm? Inquiring minds really want to know, don't they?

Darlene Rivera Spalla, Mahnomen County Attorney Phone: 218-935-2378 or 218-935-9221

Chapter 13 data request - Please email/file share me the following readily available, free, electronic, public data in its original searchable pdf format pursuant to 13.03 Subd 3(e):

1. 44-CR-16-478 05/08/2018 Transcript Index # 106 & 44-CR-18-263 03/27/2018 E-filed Comp-Warrant Index # 1. 13.03 Subd. 12. Pleadings.

Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713

P.S. Isn't it true that Kelly Googleye had a malicious harassment restraining order dismissed after your perjuring star witness falsely claimed that GPS wearing Kelly was at her apartment? Did you prosecute the perjurer or not? Hmm? Inquiring minds really, really want to know, don't they?
P.S.S. You don't mind if I report your willful refusal to comply with the Mn Government Data Practices Act to your chief judicial officer Benshoof, do you? Hmm? Inquiring minds really, really, really want to know, don't they?

Lion News: Judge Rasmusson Uses Serial False Rape Accuser To Coerce Goggleye To Plead Guilty?
Lion News: Judge Rasmusson Uses False Tri-County Imprisonment To Coerce Goggleye To Plead Guilty?
Chief Judge: The Honorable Paul T. Benshoof 600 Minnesota Ave NW, Ste 108 Bemidji, MN 56601
Assistant Chief Judge: The Honorable Tamara L. Yon 816 Marin Ave, Suite 210 Crookston, MN 56716

Case No. 44-CR-16-478 State of Minnesota vs Kelly Bruce Goggleye
05/22/2018 Sentencing Hearing (2:00 PM) (Judicial Officer Rasmusson, Anne Marie) 05/22/2018 Reset by Court to 05/22/2018 Result: Held
06/18/2018 Motion Hearing (1:00 PM) (Judicial Officer Rasmusson, Anne Marie
Case No. 44-CR-18-263 State of Minnesota vs KELLY BRUCE GOGGLEYE
05/22/2018 Hearing (2:00 PM) (Judicial Officer Rasmusson, Anne Marie) 05/01/2018 Reset by Court to 05/22/2018 Result: Held
06/18/2018 Motion Hearing (1:00 PM) (Judicial Officer Rasmusson, Anne Marie)
Joint Powers Agreement Attached Document or FileJoint_Powers_Agreement_(Full_Copy).pdf

With the rise of the democracies and the dethronement and disempowering of previously powerful groups such as the military, the nobility, and the like, there has been a gradual shift from the conscious and explicit use of direct methods of interpersonal and social control to one that are more indirect, subtle, and covert. ...The various types of gaslighting have in common two defining features. The first is an attempt to impair or destroy an individual's confidence in his or her psychic abilities. After this first aim has been achieved, the second aim is to attain control over the feelings, thoughts, and behaviors of the victim. By making another person feel fearful, guilty, or ashamed, the manipulator is in a position to gain control over the other individual's affects, thoughts, and behaviors by substituting his own beliefs. This is the basic mechanism of gaslighting whether used in everyday life, in psychotherapy situations, or in the thought-reform and mind-control manipulations of cult leaders. Some advertising and many social interactions in which one person attempts to gain control over another are based on this principle.” Gaslighting, The Double Whammy, Interrogation and Other Covert Control in Psychotherapy & Analysis, Theo L. Dorpat (Maryland: 2004), Page xviii, 7.

from: Andrew Larson
to: Lion News
date: Wed, May 23, 2018 at 8:10 AM
subject: Automatic reply: Chapter 13 Data Request - Tri-Corrections' Malicious Imprisonment Used To Coerce Innocent Googleye To Plead Guilty?
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I will be out of the office until Tuesday, May 29th.

If you are in need of assistance for an administration, personnel or juvenile center matter, please call (218) 470-8142.

If you are in need of assistance for a probation or ICOTS related matter, please contact Jessica Hajicek at (218) 470-8123 or Tami Lieberg at (218) 470-8126.

If you are in need of assistance for a jail related matter, please call (218) 470-8166.
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More to come:

Related links:

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Will Kelly's Jail Data Request Toss A Monkey Wrench Into Rigged Case No. 44-CR-16-478 State Of Minnesota VS Kelly Bruce Goggleye? It's Another One Of Mahnomen County's False Rape Cases, Isn't It? Brings Back Flashbacks Of Acquittal In Rigged Case No. 44-CR-12-281 State Of Minnesota VS William Ross McArthur, Doesn't It? It Does, Doesn't It? McArthur Was Subjected To 3 Years Of Malicious Prosecution, Wasn't He? He Was, Wasn't He? Kelly Harassed By Todd Co Sheriiff Don Asmus Over Electronic Jail Data? What The Heck, Huh? Nemmers Submits His Jail Data Reqeust To Corrupt Todd Co. Sheriff Asmus, Right?

What? Nemmers Successfully Throws Monkey Wrench Into Rigged Case No. 44-CR-14-699 State Of Minnesota VS Matthew Aaron Harding? Public Pretender Jessen Alexander Backstabbing Harding From Brainerd - Not From Crookston? Jessen Got Booted From Crookston Because Nemmers Exposed Alexander For Rigged Case No. 60-CR-13-2195 State Of Minnesota VS Chadwick Kevin Childress? Another 9th Judicial District Sham Trial (After 21 Months, Right?) To Cover Up Illegal Search & Manufactured Probable Cause? Paul Bunyan Drug Task Force Illegally Withhold Dash Cam Video & Makes Up Wild & Outrageous Tales Of Drugs Straws Which Are Magically & Mysteriously Not Taken Into Evidence?

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Lion News: Criminal Misconduct = Mahnomen Sheriff Doug Krier + White Earth Police Dept.? Part 2

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If You Want A Criminal For A Corrupt Judge, Then Common Criminals Chief Deputy Dakota County Attorney Phillip Prokopowicz, Becker County Attorney Gretchen Thilmony And Lake Of Woods County Attorney James Austad Are The Ones For You, Aren't They? Latest Fraudulent Bill Submitted By Phillip Prokopowicz To Poor Dede In Rigged Case No. 19HA-CR-15-4227 State Of Minnesota VS Deirdre Elise "Dede" Evavold? My Criminal Complaint (DL-15-001626) Against Thilmony Is In Searchable PDF Format? Poor Dede Sends Email To Rigged Judicial Selection Committee For Common Criminal Chief Deputy Dakota County Attorney Phillip Prokopowicz? Corrupt Dakota County Want Nemmers To Do Their Job And Investigate Star Tribune's Hack Brandon Stahl's Confidential Informant "Deputy Leak"?

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Polk Co. Attorney Greg Widseth (Judge Candidate) & Crookston City Attorney Stephanie Harbott Win Criminal Cases By Illegally Withholding Evidence (Chad Childress Case No. 60-CR-13-2195?)? Public Defender's Office Aiding & Abetting In Due Process Violations? Public Pretender Corey Harbott (Judge Candidate & Husband Of City Attorney Harbott) Doesn't Want To Report Wife For Misconduct?

Friday, May 11, 2018

Poor, Black Falsely Accused James Campbell Tosses Monkey Wrench Into 27-CR-18-9316 Malicious Prosecution By Filing Counter Criminal Complaint Against False Accuser Joseph Timothy Noonan Property Manager of TMC Management Corporation? Poor, Black Falsely Accused James Campbel Uses Hennepin Co. Chief Judicial Officer Ivy S. Bernhardson's 5-10-18 "Go To Hell!" Letter As Evidence?

Lion New: Brooklyn Park PD’s Bruley Calls To Harass Poor, Black, Falsely Accused James Campbell?

Craig Enevoldsen, Chief of Police               05-11-18
5400 85th Ave. N.
Brooklyn Park, MN 55443

This the formal criminal complaint of poor, black, falsely accused James Campbell and Gloria Coney against Property Manager of TMC Management Corporation Joseph Timothy Noonan for 2 nd degree felony assault, harassment, false imprisonment and filing a false police report on 04-03-18.

On 04-03-18 at approximately 3:30pm we were minding our own business in our designated parking space at 6821 Louisiana Avenue when the peace and quietude of the day was shattered by Noonan. Noonan began reversing his pickup, that was armed with a snowplow, in the direction of our vehicle. We both feared that Noonan would our strike our vehicle. We feared that Noonan would strike our vehicle because we perceived the speed that Noonan was traveling at was unsafe for the confined space of the parking lot and for the current weather conditions. We both were under the false impression at the time of this incident that Gloria was pregnant. Noonan and his approximately 6,000lb weapon stopped with the blade of the snowplow extending behind the back of our vehicle. Noonan’s snowplow blade made it unsafe to exist our assigned parking space with our vehicle. After lowering his passenger side window Noonan began repeatedly yelling “Get the fuck out of here!” In response, we both exited our vehicle with our cellphones. Poor, black, falsely accused James Campbell exited on the passenger side and Gloria Coney exited from the driver’s side. We noticed that Noonan was also holding up a cellphone. Then Noonan then sped off and contacted Brooklyn Park Police.

Property Manager of TMC Management Corporation Joseph Timothy Noonan proceeded to make a false report to the Brooklyn Park Police maliciously and falsely claiming that poor, black, falsely accused James Campbell had struck fear into Noonan by swinging a baseball bat at Noonan. Brooklyn Park Police ignored our evidence and falsely arrested and maliciously imprisoned poor, black, falsely accused James Campbell in the Hennepin County Jail for 2 nd degree felony assault from 4:00pm on 05-03-18 until 12:00pm on 04-05-18 1 .

We are in possession of a cellphone video which was clearly shows that poor, black, falsely

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accused James Campbell was not holding a baseball bat in his hands as false accuser Noonan maliciously claimed in his false police report. We both have reason to suspect that Noonan has digital evidence that backs up our digital evidence that clearly shows that poor, black, falsely accused James Campbell was not holding a baseball bat in his hands as false accuser Noonan maliciously claimed in his false police report.

Readily available, free, electronic data/evidence held hostage

We both have reason to suspect that Hennepin County Attorney Michael Freeman knew that Noonan’s police report was false. Which is why poor, black, falsely accused James Campbell was never charged with 2 nd degree felony assault. However, we both have reason to suspect that the malicious misdemeanor charges in 27-CR-18-9316 were brought in retaliation for poor, black, falsely accused James Campbell’s 04-06-18 informed consent forms which accurately described the 04-03-18 incident as a “false arrest” and “malicious imprisonment.”

On 05-08-18 poor, black, falsely accused James Campbell recorded a harassing phone call from Brooklyn Park Deputy Chief Mark Bruley. Bruley was trying to harass and intimidate poor, black, falsely accused James Campbell into signing an agreement 2 with Brooklyn Park City Attorney Micheal Colich that would allow the City of Brooklyn Park personnel to charge search for and retrieval time when the requestor is the data subject. The Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, the Model Data Practice Policies for Data Subjects established by the Commissioner of the Dept. of Administration and the July 2017 Brooklyn Park all agree that this practice is forbidden by law 3,4,5,6 .

We also have reason to suspect that both Hennepin Co. Chief Judicial Officer Ivy S. Bernhardson, Hennepin Co. Judicial Officer Mel I. Dickstein are conspiring with Brooklyn Park City Attorney Michael Colich to hold poor, black, falsely accused James Campbell’s readily available, free, electronic data/evidence hostage. Furthermore, we have reason to suspect that Bernhardson, Dickstein and Colich are conspiring to either force poor, black, falsely accused James Campbell to plead guilty without ever receiving all his readily available, free, electronic data/evidence or to be found guilty at trial without poor, black, falsely accused James Campbell’s ever receiving all his readily available, free, electronic data/evidence . We both came to this conclusion when Hennepin Co. Chief Judicial Officer Ivy S. Bernhardson 7

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and Hennepin Co. Judicial Officer Mel I. Dickstein 8 willfully refused to report Brooklyn Park City Attorney Michael Colich to the proper authorities for this clear, precise and unquestionable violation of the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. See attached 05- 10-18 Bernhardson letter.

Means – Motive – Opportunity

Noonan has a well-document history of harassing and threatening poor, black, falsely accused James Campbell and Gloria Coney with malicious eviction. Noonan was reported to HRA Metro for retaliating against poor, black, falsely accused James Campbell and Gloria Coney in an incident regarding the theft of bicycles. Noonan was also reported to HRA Metro for willfully refusing to explain why the rent was raised. Two (2) days prior to poor, black, falsely accused James Campbell’s and Gloria Coney’s malicious eviction poor, black, falsely accused James Campbell and Gloria Coney had reported Noonan’s tenants for cooking with oil/propane gas on the balcony to the City of Brooklyn Park’s inspection unit.

We both have reason to suspect that Noonan brought the false 04-03-18 charges against poor, black, falsely accused James Campbell to harass and intimidate us into silence, to cover up his 04-03-18 assault on us and to retaliate against us for previously reporting Noon to the proper authorities.

Of course, neither of us believe that you, Brooklyn Park Chief of Police Craig Enevoldsen, will arrest Property Manager of TMC Management Corporation Joseph Noonan for above mentioned crimes. Why? Because of your sabotaged the investigation into the theft of poor, black, falsely accused James Campbell’s $28.000.00 and the harassment in trying to obtain the readily available, free, electronic data for your intentionally bungled investigation. Finally, nether one of believes that poor, black, falsely accused James Campbell will receive justice in any 4 th judicial district court. Email us the public portion of our initial criminal complaint (ICR) to the email address: It will be considered harassment to ask if we want to inspect our data.

James Howard Campbell
6281 Louisiana Ave N. #203
Brooklyn Park, MN 55428
Gloria Coney
6281 Louisiana Ave N. #203
Brooklyn Park, MN 55428

1. Charge Details Full Name: Campbell, James Howard: Booking Number: 2018008040; Date of Birth: 2/12/1959; Sheriff's Custody: Released From Custody On . 4/5/2018 . 15:36; Housing Location: Blank; Received Date/Time: 4/3/2018.. 16:28; Arrested By: Bklyn Pk PD; Case/Count: 1/1; Description of Charge: Assault (Note: 609.221 Felony Assault In The Second Degree – According to paper jail documents received via Chapter 13 data request even though requested all documents in electronic format); Charged By: Bklyn Pk PD; Reason for Arrest: Probable Cause; Severity of Charge: Prob Cause; State of Charge: 36 Hours Expired; Bail Information: $0 NBR/JAIL; Court Appearance Date/Time: Blank; Court Appearance Location: Blank.

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2. “I certify that I am the Defendant or Attorney for the Defendant in the above referenced district court file and am requesting these materials pursuant to the Minnesota Rules of Criminal Procedure as evidence in the above-referenced District Court File. I understand that I will be charged for the cost of searching for and retrieving these material under Minn. R. Crim. P.9. The Brooklyn Park Police Department will contact me when the materials are ready, I agree to pay these cost in order to access these materials.” 04-23-18 “Go to hell!” snail- mail letter from Brooklyn Park City Attorney Michael “Hates on James Campbell” Colich for State of Minnesota, City of Brooklyn Park vs. James Howard Campbell – Court File: 27-CR- 18-9316.
3. Copy Costs The Data Practices Act allows, but does not require, government to charge for copies of government data.
4. Actual Cost There are certain things that can be included when government calculates actual cost for the purpose of charging for making copies of a data request. Things That Can Be Included Employee time to search for and retrieve data for copying (Advisory Opinion 00- 054) (Entities cannot charge search for and retrieval time when the requestor is the data subject)
5. 13.09 PENALTIES. (a) Any person who willfully violates the provisions of this chapter or any rules adopted under this chapter or whose conduct constitutes the knowing unauthorized acquisition of not public data, as defined in section 13.055, subdivision 1, is guilty of a misdemeanor. (b) Willful violation of this chapter, including any action subject to a criminal penalty under paragraph (a), by any public employee constitutes just cause for suspension without pay or dismissal of the public employee. 6. Copies and electronic transmittals of data will be assessed a fee commensurate with the actual costs of searching for and retrieving the data and making, certifying, compiling and mailing the records. The calculation of the city’s actual costs includes employee time. However, no fee is assessed for searching for and retrieving data when the copies are requested by the data subject. See Exhibit G. Procedures to access government data from the city of Brooklyn Park Public document July 2017, Page 9.
7. Allegations of criminal conduct should be reported to law enforcement. May 10, 2018 letter emailed to Nemmers from Hennepin Co. Chief Judicial Officer Ivy S. Bernhardson.
8. Dear Mr. Nemmers, Judge Dickstein has reviewed your submissions and asked me to convey to you the following message: I am in receipt of your e-mail regarding Mr. Michael Colich. If your e-mail is about Mr. Colich’s handling of a case involving Mr. Michael Campbell, as it appears, the issue should be raised in a proper procedural fashion by Mr. Campbell or his attorney. If, on the other hand, your e-mail is intended to register a complaint more generally, then you should consider obtaining legal advice on how to do so in the appropriate manner. You may wish to contact the Legal Rights Center, Mid-Minnesota Legal Aid, or the Hennepin County Help Desk for assistance. Thank you and have a pleasant day, Michael Gorwitz Law Clerk to the Hon. Mel I. Dickstein 612.596.8824. Email: 4th Judge Dickstein Chambers Tue, May 8, 2018 at 2:44 PM To: Lion News

Jeffrey Lunde Mayor 2311 96th Way N Brooklyn Park, MN 55444
Tom Lyden KMSP-TV, 11358 Viking Drive, Eden Prairie, MN 55344
Jenna Ross, Star Tribune Building, 650 3rd Ave S, Suite 1300, Minneapolis, MN 55488
Ivy S. Bernhardson, Hennepin Co. Govt. Center 300 South 6 th , Minneapolis, MN 55487

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More to come . . .

Related links:

Will Nemmers' Personnel Complaint Toss A Monkey Wrench Into The Malicious Prosecution Of Poor, Black, Falsely Accused James Campbell? Malicious & Retaliatory Prosecution In 27-CR-18-9316, Right? Hey City of Brooklyn Park IP Address Is Lurking & Skulking Again, Isn't it?

Why Do Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey & Hennepin Co. Sheriff Rich Stanek Hate Poor, Black, Falsely Accused James Campbell? And Why Do Hennepin Co. Deputy Administrator Jennifer DeCubellis & Mark S. Thompson Hate Poor, Black, Falsely Accused James Campbell? Hmm? Inquiring Minds Want To Know, Don't They? Why Is Hennepin Co. Sheriff Rich Stanek (IP Address: Lurking & Skulking On Lion News?

James Campbell's Sting On Corrupt Brooklyn Park Police Chief Craig Enevoldsen & City Manager Jay Stroebel? Campbell Victim Of Social Security Award Letter Scam & Theft Of Checks? Enevoldsen & Stroebel Exposed Trying To Cover Up Federal Crimes? City's Attorneys Kennedy & Gravon Have Well-Documented History Of Advising Clients To Engage In Criminal Misconduct, Don't They? Stroebel & Enevoldsen "Lawyer-Up" After Trying/Failing To Provoke An Incident With Nemmers? Corrupt City Of Brooklyn Park Caught Lurking & Skulking With IP Address ?

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Will Poor, Black, Falsely Accused James Campbell Be Forced To File A Criminal Complaint Against Hennepin Co. Judicial Officer Mel I. Dickstein? Dickstein Conspiriing With Brooklyn Park City Attorney Michael Colich To Hold Hostage Poor Black, Falsely Accused James Campbell's Readily Available, Free, Electronic Data/Evidence For False Charges In 27-CR-18-9316?

from: Lion News
Tom Lyden,,,,,,
date: Wed, May 9, 2018 at 2:57 PM
subject: Complaint vs Judicial Officer Mel I. Dickstein aiding & abetting in holding hostage poor, black, falsely accused James Campbell’s 27-CR-18-9316 evidence

Ivy S. Bernhardson, Hennepin Co. Chief Judicial Officer (612) 348-2554

This is my formal complaint against your Hennepin Co. Judicial Officer Mel I. Dickstein for what I have reason to suspect is Dickstein‘s conspiracy with the Brooklyn Park City Attorney Michael Colich to intentionally and maliciously hold hostage poor, black, falsely accused James Campbell’s readily available, free, electronic data/evidence prior to his first appearance for the malicious prosecution in case #: 27-CR-18-9316. I have reason to suspect that Dickstein and Colich are conspiring to either force poor, black, falsely accused James Campbell to plead guilty without ever receiving all his evidence or to force poor, black, falsely accused James Campbell to be found guilty at trial without ever receiving all his evidence. See attachments.

Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713

Lion News: Brooklyn Park City Attorney Colich Hates Poor, Black, Falsely Accused James Campbell?

Ivy S. Bernhardson, Hennepin Co. Chief Judicial Officer    05-09-18
Hennepin County Courthouse
Chambers Phone: (612) 348-2554
Law Clerk: (612) 348-4364

Emailed to:,,,,,,,,,,

This is my formal complaint against your Hennepin Co. Judicial Officer Mel I. Dickstein for what I have reason to suspect is Dickstein‘s conspiracy with the Brooklyn Park City Attorney Michael Colich to intentionally and maliciously hold hostage poor, black, falsely accused James Campbell’s readily available, free, electronic data/evidence prior to his first appearance for the malicious prosecution in case #: 27-CR-18-9316. I have reason to suspect that Dickstein and Colich are conspiring to either force poor, black, falsely accused James Campbell to plead guilty without ever receiving all his evidence or to force poor, black, falsely accused James Campbell to be found guilty at trial without ever receiving all his evidence. See attachments.

05-02-18 12:13 PM Emailed complaint to Hennepin Co. Judicial Officer Mel I. Dickstein – Reported Brooklyn Park City Attorney Michael Colich’s retaliatory prosecutorial misconduct and harassment in 27-CR-18-9316.
05-07-18 9:33AM Recorded phone call to Hennepin Co. Judicial Officer Mel I. Dickstein – Confirmed receipt of 05-02-18 complaint & requested Judge Dickstein’s practice pointers
9:49AM Link to Judge Dickstein’s practice pointers emailed to Nemmers
05-08-18 8:51AM Voicemail from poor, black, falsely accused James Campbell – Recording of harassing phone call from Brooklyn Park Deputy Chief Mark Bruley
9:33AM Poor, black, falsely accused James Campbell plays audio recording of Bruley’s harassing phone call – Bruley mad about calls to City Council members. Attempts to harass and intimidate poor, black, falsely accused James Campbell into agreeing to allow Bruley & Colich to charge data subject to search for and retrieval time contrary to statute 1,2 .
9:59AM Played my recording of poor, black, falsely accused James Campbell’s recording of Bruley’s harassing phone onto Brooklyn Park Deputy Chief Mark Bruley’s voicemail
11:09am Played my recording of poor, black, falsely accused James Campbell’s recording of Bruley’s harassing phone onto Brooklyn Park City Attorney Michael Colich’s voicemail.
1:116PM Email to Brooklyn Park Human Resources Manager Beth Toal – Wanted update on personnel complaint for Minnesota Government Data Practices Act (MGDPA) violations– notified Toal that Nemmers had recorded phone call to Dickstein and of harassing 05-08-18 phone call from Bruley.
2:44PM “Go to hell!” email from Dickstein – Dickstein willfully refuses to report Colich’s willful refusal to comply with the MGDPA to the proper authorities – states poor, black, falsely accused James Campbell needs to follow proper procedural fashion – implied that neither Dickstein nor Colich needs to follow proper procedure 3 nor follow the law.

This morning I spoke with poor, black, falsely accused James Campbell. And poor, black,

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falsely accused James Campbell came to the logical conclusion that the only way to clear his good name of these false charges and to get the evidence that is being illegally withheld from him is to report this matter to local law enforcement. Dede Evavold found that filing a criminal complaint 4 was the only way she was able to get her evidence 5 in her high-profile criminal case. In fact, I have reason to suspect that is what Dickstein meant when he said for poor, black, falsely accused James Campbell to follow proper procedural fashion.

Finally, I have reason to suspect that you, as chief judicial officer, will do absolutely nothing to hold either Hennepin Co. Judicial Officer Mel I. Dickstein or Brooklyn Park City Attorney Michael Colich accountable for their misconduct. Plus, I have reason to suspect that you will do absolutely nothing to make sure that poor, black, falsely accused James Campbell receives his readily available, free, electronic data/evidence prior to his 05-14-18 arraignment. _______________________________________________
Terry Dean, Nemmers
20179 County Rd 28
Glenwood, MN 56334
(320) 283-5713

P.S. You won’t mind if poor, black, falsely accused James Campbell included your Hennepin Co. Judicial Officer Mel I. Dickstein’s 05–18-18 “Go to hell!” his evidence in the criminal complaint, do you? Hmm? Inquiring minds want to know, don’t they?

1. Actual Cost Things That Can Be Included Employee time to search for and retrieve data for copying (Advisory Opinion 00-054) (Entities cannot charge search for and retrieval time when the requestor is the data subject)
2. Copy Costs The Data Practices Act allows, but does not require, government to charge for copies of government data.
3. The attorneys or parties shall provide the Court with two (2) copies of all trial exhibits no later than 2 weeks before the scheduled trial block. All exhibits shall be pre-marked, in a single series of Arabic numbers and bound in a three-ring binder with dividers and tabs, and accompanied by an Exhibit List. Revised July 2016 The Honorable Mel Dickstein Fourth Judicial District Practice Pointers & Preferences Link email from
4. Any allegations that an attorney has acted unethically can be made to the Minnesota Board of Professional Responsibility. Based on your letter to the Hastings Chief of Police, it Is evident you are aware that any allegations of criminal conduct are made to the local law enforcement agency. Sincerely, Terrence E. Conkel Chief Judge of the First Judicial District. Dated 07-18-16. Letter to defendant Dede Evavold for high-profile case 9HA-CR-15-4227.
5. A. Co-Defendant Deirdre Evavold received 12 times the evidence as Appellant. Signed July 10, 2017 by Sandra Grazzini-Rucki. Page 10. Appellants’ Reply Brief, Addendum. Case Number: A16-1997 Short Title: State of Minnesota, Respondent, vs. Sandra Grazzini-Rucki, Appellant. [Note: Sandra had not one but two licensed attorneys on her criminal case. Evavold represented herself. Deirdre Evavold = High-profile 19HA-CR-15-4227 & Sandra Grazzini-Rucki = High-profile 19HA-CR- 15-2669] Reply Grazzini Uploaded by mikekvolpe

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from: 4th Judge Dickstein Chambers
to: Lion News
date: Mon, May 7, 2018 at 9:49 AM
subject: RE: City of Brooklyn Park City Attorney Michael “Hates on James Campbell” Colich Retaliatory prosecutorial misconduct and harassment in 27-CR-18-931r
security: Standard encryption (TLS) Learn more
: Important according to Google magic.

Mr. Nemmers,

Per your request, here is a link to Judge Dickstein’s practice pointers, which are available on our website.

Thank you and have pleasant day,

Michael Gorwitz
Law Clerk to the Hon. Mel I. Dickstein

Fourth Judicial District Court Disclaimer: This is an official government communication. As the recipient, you are responsible for the lawful use of this information. This e-mail and any attachments may be confidential and are intended solely for the individual or organization to which they are addressed. They may contain privileged or confidential information and should not be disseminated. If you are not the intended recipient of this e-mail, you should not copy, distribute or take any action in reliance upon this e-mail or the attachments. If you received this e-mail in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete this message. Thank you.

From: Lion News []
Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2018 12:13 PM
To: 4th Judge Dickstein Chambers;;; Tom Lyden;;;;;;;
Subject: City of Brooklyn Park City Attorney Michael “Hates on James Campbell” Colich Retaliatory prosecutorial misconduct and harassment in 27-CR-18-931r

from: 4th Judge Dickstein Chambers
to: Lion News
date: Tue, May 8, 2018 at 2:44 PM
subject: RE: City of Brooklyn Park City Attorney Michael “Hates on James Campbell” Colich Retaliatory prosecutorial misconduct and harassment in 27-CR-18-931r
security: Standard encryption (TLS) Learn more
: Important according to Google magic.

Dear Mr. Nemmers,

Judge Dickstein has reviewed your submissions and asked me to convey to you the following message:

I am in receipt of your e-mail regarding Mr. Michael Colich. If your e-mail is about Mr. Colich’s handling of a case involving Mr. Michael Campbell, as it appears, the issue should be raised in a proper procedural fashion by Mr. Campbell or his attorney. If, on the other hand, your e-mail is intended to register a complaint more generally, then you should consider obtaining legal advice on how to do so in the appropriate manner. You may wish to contact the Legal Rights Center, Mid-Minnesota Legal Aid, or the Hennepin County Help Desk for assistance.

Thank you and have a pleasant day,

Michael Gorwitz
Law Clerk to the Hon. Mel I. Dickstein

Fourth Judicial District Court Disclaimer: This is an official government communication. As the recipient, you are responsible for the lawful use of this information. This e-mail and any attachments may be confidential and are intended solely for the individual or organization to which they are addressed. They may contain privileged or confidential information and should not be disseminated. If you are not the intended recipient of this e-mail, you should not copy, distribute or take any action in reliance upon this e-mail or the attachments. If you received this e-mail in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete this message. Thank you.

From: Lion News []
Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2018 12:13 PM
To: 4th Judge Dickstein Chambers;;; Tom Lyden;;;;;;;
Subject: City of Brooklyn Park City Attorney Michael “Hates on James Campbell” Colich Retaliatory prosecutorial misconduct and harassment in 27-CR-18-931r

Mel I. Dickstein, Hennepin Co. Judicial Officer Chambers Phone: (612) 596-8823:

More to come . . .

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