Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Lake Of Wood County Investigator Joseph Morisch, Badge # 23 Investigating Roseau County Sheriff Steve Gust & Corrupt County Coordinator Jeff Pelowski (Aka Roseau Mayor Jeff Pelowsk, Right?)? Wait A Minute Okay? Aren't Corrupt LOTW County Sheriff Gary Fish, Corrupt LOTW County Attorney James Austad & Corrupt Auditor/Treasurer Lorene Hanson All Illegally Withholdiing Data From Nemmers?

from: Lion News
date: Fri, Dec 12, 2014 at 9:46 AM
subject: Chapter 13 data request - Policy and procedure manual for Lake of the Woods Co. Sheriff's Dept. & PBDTF contract

Gary Fish, Sheriff:

Chapter 13 data request - Please email me the policy and procedure manual for Lake of the Woods Co. Sheriff's Dept., the Lake of the Woods Co. jail handbook, the Lake of the Woods Co. personnel handbook, the Lake of the Woods Co. data practice manual & a signed copy of the joint powers agreement with the Paul Bunyan Drug Task Force. Forward to proper department.

Terry Dean, Nemmers

13.03 ACCESS TO GOVERNMENT DATA. Subd. 3. Request for access to data. (a) Upon request to a responsible authority or designee, ...(e) The responsible authority of a government entity that maintains public government data in a computer storage medium shall provide to any person making a request under this section a copy of any public data contained in that medium, in electronic form, if the government entity can reasonably make the copy or have a copy made.

from: Lion News
date: Thu, Dec 25, 2014 at 3:15 PM
subject: Chapter 13 data request - Policy and procedure manual for Lake of the Woods Co. Sheriff's Dept. & PBDTF contract

Gary Fish, Sheriff:

Where is the data from my Chapter 13 data request - You were asked to please email me the policy and procedure manual for Lake of the Woods Co. Sheriff's Dept., the Lake of the Woods Co. jail handbook, the Lake of the Woods Co. personnel handbook, the Lake of the Woods Co. data practice manual & a signed copy of the joint powers agreement with the Paul Bunyan Drug Task Force, weren't you?

Terry Dean, Nemmers

P.S. I had a good laugh reading your retarded snail-mail letter, didn't I?
13.03 ACCESS TO GOVERNMENT DATA. Subd. 3. Request for access to data. (a) Upon request to a responsible authority or designee, ...(e) The responsible authority of a government entity that maintains public government data in a computer storage medium shall provide to any person making a request under this section a copy of any public data contained in that medium, in electronic form, if the government entity can reasonably make the copy or have a copy made

from: Lion News
"Olson, Andrew C (GOV)"
date: Tue, May 3, 2016 at 10:43 AM
subject: Chapter 13 data request & illegally withheld public data
: Important according to our magic sauce.

James Austad, Lake of the Wood County Attorney (and common criminal, right?) (218) 634-1190:

Please email me the following readily available, free, electronic, public documents:

1. Lake of the Wood County Notice to Commissioner of Administration: Adoption of Model Policies - for years 2010 - 2016.
2. Lake of the Wood County Sheriff's dept's POST Board compliance reviews - for years: 2010-2016.
3. Lake of the Wood County Sheriff's dept's PREA audits - for years: 2010-2016.
4. Lake of the Wood County Sheriff's dept's Jail - Facility Inspection Report Issued By The Minnesota Department of Corrections Pursuant to MN Statute 241.021, Subdivision 1 for years: 2010-2016.
5. All the other readily available, free, electronic, public documents you are currently illegally withholding from me.

Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713

Did you learn how to force suspect to plead guilty by illegally withholding their evidence whikle your were under Itasca County Attorney Jack Muhar's corrupt wing? Inquiring minds want to know, don't they?

One of the key elements of eCourtMN is the establishment of eFiling and eService – giving case participants the ability to submit documents to the court and serve documents to opposing parties electronically, through an online portal. This allows court customers to file documents without traveling to the courthouse or paying for postage or courier costs, allows filers to submit documents immediately and outside of courthouse business hours, and allows court documents to be sent to filers electronically. eFiling now available in all 87 Minnesota district courts
Posted: Tuesday, December 15, 2015
eFile/eServe Rollout 2015
Designation of Case Types and District Courts Subject to Voluntary e-Filing and e-Service Rules
Lake of the Woods
Ninth Judicial District
Voluntary as of Nov 02, 2015
Data Practices Policies Entities adopting the model policies linked above must notify the Commissioner of Administration and may do so by using this notification.
Notice to Commissioner of Administration: Adoption of Model Policies [Name of entity] has adopted the Commissioner’s Model Policy for the Public and Model Policy for Data Subjects. This notice to the Commissioner satisfies [name of entity]’s obligation under Minnesota Statutes, section 13.073, subdivision 6. *Government entities may submit this notification by mail or email:
Data Practices Policy for Members of the Public If your entity adopts this model policy, it must notify the Commissioner of Administration per Minnesota Statutes, section 13.073, subd. 6. Please use the notification information at the end of this model policy. If we have the data, and the data are public, we will respond to your request appropriately and promptly, within a reasonable amount of time by doing one of the following: o Arrange a date, time, and place to inspect data, for free, if your request is to look at the data, or o Provide you with copies of the data as soon as reasonably possible. You may choose to pick up your copies, or we will mail or fax them to you. W e will provide electronic copies (such as email or CD - ROM) upon request if we keep the data in electronic format. Policy required by Minnesota Statutes, section 13.025 (2015) page 3. LAKE OF THE WOODS COUNTY IS COMMITTED TO ENSURE HIGH QUALITY SERVICES IN A COST EFFECTIVE MANNER FOR ALL ITS CITIZENS An Equal Opportunity Employer LAKE OF THE WOODS COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 206 8 th Ave SE, Suite 234 Baudette, MN 56623 Phone: 218 - 634 - 2836 Fax: 218 - 634 - 2509 District 1 - James “Buck” Nordlof , District 2 - Tom Hanson, District 3 - Ken Moorman, District 4 - Patty Beckel, District 5 - Ed Arnesen AGENDA Tuesday, February 23, 2016 The POST Board’s philosophy is to serve as a resource and partner with stakeholders to ensure compliance with legislatively mandated policies and training. Since its inception, the POST Board’s licensing standards have been recognized as a model across the nation as Minnesota remains the only state to require all peace officers to obtain a post-secondary degree. The POST Board’s Standards Coordinators conduct on-site compliance reviews of law enforcement agencies throughout the state. Reviews ensure compliance with training standards, officer hiring practices and state-mandated policies in order to promote a more predictable and uniform state-wide delivery of public safety services. Agency Compliance The POST Board staff reviews all state law enforcement agencies over a period of five years.

from: James Austad
to: Lion News,
Gary Fish,
"Olson, Andrew C (GOV)"
date: Wed, May 4, 2016 at 7:41 AM
subject: RE: Chapter 13 data request & illegally withheld public data
security: did not encrypt this message Learn more
: Important mainly because of your interaction with messages in the conversation.

Mr. Nemmers, this request is currently being processed by the Sheriff’s Office.

From: Lion News []
Sent: Tuesday, May 03, 2016 10:43 AM
To: James Austad; Gary Fish; Olson, Andrew C (GOV)
Subject: Chapter 13 data request & illegally withheld public data

from: Lion News
to: James Austad
cc: Gary Fish,
"Olson, Andrew C (GOV)"
date: Wed, May 4, 2016 at 8:51 AM
subject: Re: Chapter 13 data request & illegally withheld public data

James Austad, Lake of the Wood County Attorney (and common criminal, right?) (218) 634-1190:

I am confused by your apparently harassing legal terminology, aren't I? Please define the apparently harassing legal terms: "currently" and "processed." Does that mean I am going to receive another harassing letter via snail mail and still not receive my readily available, free, electronic public data like before?
I have an audio recording of a victim of the rigged Itasca Co. courts, don't I? The audio features a 9th judicial district judge ordering Itasca Co. Attorney Jack Muhar to give discovery (Readily available, free, electronic data, right?) to a defendant, doesn't it? The exact same audio features Itasca Co. Attorney Jack Muhar telling the defendant that they cannot have the discovery (Readily available, free, electronic data, right?), doesn't it? Oh did I forget to mention that Itasca Co. Attorney Jack Muhar informs the defendant that they cannot have the discovery (Readily available, free, electronic data, right?) in his office immediately after the previously mentioned hearing and not during the hearing? So is that the obstruction of justice trick you rely on to force the defendants you are prosecuting to plead guilty? Inquiring minds really want to know, don't they? Would you like a copy of the damning audio so you can file a complaint against Itasca County Attorney John "Jack" Muhar? Again, inquiring minds really want to know, don't they?

Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713

Data Practices Policy for Members of the Public [Brackets] are located in the sections of this document where an entity has a decision point. In some places, IPAD includes a recommendation. If your entity adopts this model policy, it must notify the Commissioner of Administration per Minnesota Statutes, section 13.073, subd. 6. Please use the notification information at the end of this model policy. If you do not understand some of the data (technical terminology, abbreviations, or acronyms), please let us know. We will give you an explanation if you ask.

from: Lion News
date: Tue, Jun 16, 2015 at 8:47 AM
subject: Chapter 13 data request - Please email me a copy of the payments to the MN Sheriff's Association for the last five (5) years.

Lorene Hanson, Audito/Treasurer 218-634-2361:

Chapter 13 data request - Please email me a copy of the payments to the MN Sheriff's Association for the last five (5) years

Terry Dean, Nemmers

13.03 ACCESS TO GOVERNMENT DATA. Subd. 3. Request for access to data. (a) Upon request to a responsible authority or designee, ... (d) ... The responsible authority, upon the request of any person, shall provide sufficient documentation to explain and justify the fee being charged. (e) The responsible authority of a government entity that maintains public government data in a computer storage medium shall provide to any person making a request under this section a copy of any public data contained in that medium, in electronic form, if the government entity can reasonably make the copy or have a copy made. Subd. 2. Procedures. (a) The responsible authority in every government entity shall establish procedures, consistent with this chapter, to insure that requests for government data are received and complied with in an appropriate and prompt manner.

More to come. . .

Related Links:

Nemmers' Criminal Complaint Against Corrupt Roseau County Sheriff Steve Gust & Corrupt County Coordinator Jeff Pelowski (Aka Roseau Mayor Jeff Pelowsk, Right?) Even More Evidence Kelly Coerced To Plead Guilty In Rigged Case No. 44-CR-16-478 State Of Minnesota VS Kelly Bruce Goggleye? 01-25-18 Letter Admits Fear Of Conflict Of Interest? League Of Minnesota Cities Advice, Right? Didn't Nemmers Provide Judicial Selection Commitee That Corrupt Lake County Sheriff Gary Fish & Corrupt Lake County Attorney James Austad MN Data Practice Act?

Criminal Complaint VS Corrupt Todd County Sheriff Don Asmus For Illegally Withholding Jail Data For Nemmers & Goggleye? Coerced To Plead Guilty In Rigged Case No. 44-CR-16-478 State Of Minnesota VS Kelly Bruce Goggleye?

Will Kelly's Jail Data Request Toss A Monkey Wrench Into Rigged Case No. 44-CR-16-478 State Of Minnesota VS Kelly Bruce Goggleye? It's Another One Of Mahnomen County's False Rape Cases, Isn't It? Brings Back Flashbacks Of Acquittal In Rigged Case No. 44-CR-12-281 State Of Minnesota VS William Ross McArthur, Doesn't It? It Does, Doesn't It? McArthur Was Subjected To 3 Years Of Malicious Prosecution, Wasn't He? He Was, Wasn't He? Kelly Harassed By Todd Co Sheriiff Don Asmus Over Electronic Jail Data? What The Heck, Huh? Nemmers Submits His Jail Data Reqeust To Corrupt Todd Co. Sheriff Asmus, Right?

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Nemmers' Criminal Complaint Against Corrupt Roseau County Sheriff Steve Gust & Corrupt County Coordinator Jeff Pelowski (Aka Roseau Mayor Jeff Pelowsk, Right?) Even More Evidence Kelly Coerced To Plead Guilty In Rigged Case No. 44-CR-16-478 State Of Minnesota VS Kelly Bruce Goggleye? 01-25-18 Letter Admits Fear Of Conflict Of Interest? League Of Minnesota Cities Advice, Right? Didn't Nemmers Provide Judicial Selection Commitee That Corrupt Lake County Sheriff Gary Fish & Corrupt Lake County Attorney James Austad MN Data Practice Act?

Complaint referred to corrupt Lake County?

from: Lion News
Kelly Goggleye, "Maatz, Paul",, Jason Brown,,,,
date: Thu, Jan 18, 2018 at 12:09 PM
subject: Criminal complaint vs Roseau County Sheriff Steve Gust & County Coordinator Jeff Pelowski - illegally withheld electronic data - Nemmers & Goggleye

Ward Anderson, Police Chief (218) 463-3129:

This is my formal criminal complaint against your corrupt Roseau County Sheriff Steve Gust and your corrupt County Coordinator Jeff Pelowski (aka Mayor Jeff Pelowsk, right?) for misuse public resources (609.52 Theft), for criminal misconduct (609.43 Misconduct of public officer or employee), for harassment (MS 609.748) and for willful refusal to comply with the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act (MGDPA) (13.09 Penalties). Email me the public portion of my initial complaint report (ICR) in its original searchable pdf format to: See attached.

Terry Dean Nemmers (320)283-5713

P.S. I've also included the public portion of the Long Prairie PD Incident Report ICR# 18010112 for your convenience.

When can I get a copy of the investigative report? Investigation ongoing If the law enforcement agency is still investigating the crime, members of the public will not be able to get a copy of the report. They can, however, get what’s often referred to as the public portion of the report containing basic information about the case that is classified as public. HOW DO I GET A COPY OF MY POLICE REPORT? INFORMATION FOR CRIME VICTIMS WHO WANT TO MAKE A REQUEST FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT DATA

Provide you with the data within 10 business days. You may choose to pick up your copies, or we will mail or fax them to you. We will provide electronic copies (such as email or CD-ROM) upon request if we keep the data in electronic format. Commissioner of the Dept of Administration's Model Data Practices Policy: Requests for Data About You and Your Rights as a Data Subject Minnesota Statutes, sections 13.025 and 13.03 (2016) requires this policy.

Attachments: Roseau_Complaint_Evidence.pdf, 18010112.pdf
Ward Anderson, Police Chief    01-18-18
 Roseau Police Department
114 2nd Street
NE Roseau, MN 56751
Phone: (218) 463-3129

Email:  Emailed to:,,,,,,,,,,

This is my formal criminal complaint against your corrupt Roseau County Sheriff Steve Gust and your corrupt County Coordinator Jeff Pelowski (aka Mayor Jeff Pelowsk, right?) for misuse public resources (609.52 Theft), for criminal misconduct (609.43 Misconduct of public officer or employee), for harassment (MS 609.748) and for willful refusal to comply with the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act (MGDPA) (13.09 Penalties). Email me the public portion of my initial complaint report (ICR) in its original searchable pdf format to:

I have reason to suspect that I have clear, precise and unquestionable evidence that your Roseau County Sheriff Steve Gust and your County Coordinator Jeff Pelowski have illegally withheld readily available, free, electronic data not only from me but also from a Kelly Bruce Goggleye. I have attached my Chapter 13 data requests and Goggleye’s March 13, 2017 informed consent form. I’ve also included a statement from Kelly Goggleye in which he states that Gust is still illegally withholding his requested readily available, free, electronic jail data.

This is the problem I am having with my Attorney Joyanna Mickels she is denying me my full Discovery and denying me my Audio and Video statements from the witnesses and the supposedly vitctim . And my Attorney Joyanna Mickels secretly filed a motion with the court and I didn’t get the notice of the motion until Oct.26 that evening. And I requested my jail data and I have not received my jail data from Mahnomen county and Roseau county , I only received a partial jail data from Todd county. And it took my Attorney Joyanna Mickels one year to send out the investigator to get my Mother’s and Step Fathers statement , and also my Grandpa’s statement. (no subject) Kelly Goggleye To: Lion News Thu, Nov 16, 2017 at 9:03 AM I apologize for the mix up Goggleye 218-930-3437 letter.odt 21K

Gust and Pelowski willfully refused to respond Goggleye’s data request. Which of course, is not only a violation of Chapter 13.09 but also is willful violation of the rules and policies adopted by the Commissioner of the Dept. of Administration. Response to a Data Request - Not responding is not a proper response; Government Data Practices Act • Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 13 Provides penalties for violations – Requires that data are “easily accessible for convenient use” Can I ask for that? Information Policy Analysis Division (IPAD) MN Department of Administration.

Motive: I have reason to suspect the motive for Gust and Pelowski was to appease former Roseau County Coordinator Trish Klein ... aka Itasca Co. Administrator Trish Harren. Harren has a well- documented history conspiring with Sheriff Vic Williams to illegally withhold readily, available, free, electronic, public data from me and others. In the case of Goggleye, I have reason to suspect that Gust and Pelowski were conspiring with Mahnomen Co. Attorney Darlene Rivera Spalla to illegally withhold Goggleye’s jail data from him. I have reason to suspect that Gust’s, Pelowski’s’ and Rivera’s plot involved either forcing Kelly to plead or to be found guilty at trial without ever receiving all his evidence. After the recent death of a family member Kelly, magically & mysterious did an Alford plea. This contradicts his numerous audio recorded statements that he would never take a plea deal. I have reason to suspect that Kelly was coerced into making a fake confession.
Terry Dean, Nemmers 20179 County Road 28 Glenwood, MN 56334 (320) 283-5713

Goggleye's Roseau County jail data request:

Context: Nemmers had already reported corrupt Lake County Attorney James Austad to Judicial Selection Committee for willful refusal to comply with the MN Data Practice Act, right?

Context: Nemmers provided evidence to corrupt Judicial Selection Committee that corrupt Lake County Sheriff Gary Fish willfully refused to comply with the MN Data Practice Act, right?

from: Lion News
"Maatz, Paul",,
Kelly Goggleye,,
Jason Brown,,,
date: Mon, Jan 29, 2018 at 10:30 AM
subject: Chapter 13 data request - ICR for Nemmers' Criminal complaint vs Roseau County Sheriff Steve Gust & County Coordinator Jeff Pelowski - illegally withheld electronic data - Nemmers & Goggleye

Ward Anderson, Police Chief (218) 463-3129:

Chapter 13 data request - Please email me the following readily available, free, electronic, public data pursuant to 13.03 Subd 3(e):

1. City of Roseau's Notice to Commissioner of Administration: Adoption of Model Policies (forward to proper department if necessary)
2. City of Roseau's Inventory of Not Public Data on Individuals (forward to proper department if necessary)
3. City of Roseau's Application for Authority to Dispose of Records for Roseau City Clerk-Treasurer-Responsible Authority-Data Compliance Official Elizabeth Hellquist's admitted destruction of my January 18, 2018 email entitled: "Criminal complaint vs Roseau County Sheriff Steve Gust & County Coordinator Jeff Pelowski - illegally withheld electronic data - Nemmers & Goggleye" (forward to proper department if necessary)
4. City of Roseau's correspondence from former City of Roseau City Attorney Patrick D Moren that he had received a public document on January 18, 2018 via email entitled: "Criminal complaint vs Roseau County Sheriff Steve Gust & County Coordinator Jeff Pelowski - illegally withheld electronic data - Nemmers & Goggleye" (forward to proper department if necessary) Why is the email still on City Attorney Michelle Moren's website if Patrick retired as of as of 06/01/17? And why is Michelle mailing me City of Roseau documents in an envelope with the return address of Law Offices of Patrick D Moren, huh?
5. Chief of Police Ward Anderson's log sheets. Dates: 01-18-17 through 01-25-18 & duty roster(s) for the time period: 01-18-17 through 01-25-18.
6. City of Roseau's communication/correspondence to Lake of the Woods County Sheriff's department to investigate Nemmers' January 18, 2018 emailed "Criminal complaint vs Roseau County Sheriff Steve Gust & County Coordinator Jeff Pelowski. Contact information for the Lake of the Woods County Sheriff's dept. officer in charge of the investigation. (Unless you want me to submit an informed consent form?

Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713

P.S. When is you're City Attorney Michelle Moren going to email me the requested City of Roseau's signed contract with the League of Minnesota Cities? Do you want that clear, precise and unquestionable evidence that the League of Minnesota Cities is illegally withholding readily available, free, electronic, public data pursuant to 13.03 Subd 3(e) from me or not? Inquiring minds want to know, don't they? Why is Moren mailing me paper documents when I am requesting emailed electronic data, huh?
P.S.S. If I call you today, then will you be sitting there "shooting the breeze" with Roseau City Clerk-Treasurer-Responsible Authority-Data Compliance Official Elizabeth Hellquist again like you were the last time?

Law Offices of Patrick D Moren ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW POST OFFICE BOX 350 309 Third Street N.W. Roseau, MN 56751 Telephone: 218-463-1564 FAX: 218-463-1175 Patrick D Moren *(retired as of 06/01/17) Michelle E Moren Email: Kristy Kjos Email:
January 25, 2018
Mr. Terry Nemmers 20179 County Road 28 Glenwood, MN 56334
Re: Your email correspondence dated January 18, 2018, to Police Chief Ward Anderson Dear Mr. Nemmers: I have had the opportunity to review the email you sent to City of Roseau Chief of Police Ward Anderson dated January 18, 2018 at 12:10 p.m. You specifically requested that Chief Anderson provide you with an Initial Complaint Report (ICR) in regard to your formal criminal complaint against Roseau County Sheriff Steve Gust and Roseau County Coordinator Jeff Pelowski, who is also the City of Roseau Mayor. Because Chief Anderson is employed by the City of Roseau it could be construed as a conflict of interest for him to investigate any allegations against Mayor Pelowski, as such Chief Anderson has referred your complaint in regard to these allegations to the Lake of the Woods County Sheriff’s Department for investigation. Please note that in conflict cases, the Roseau Police Department does not generate Initial Complaint Reports and, instead, contacts the conflict investigating agency by telephone and then provides copies of any complaints directly to the conflict investigating agency, therefore, there is no data.
Sincerely, LAW OFFICES OF PATRICK D. MOREN Michelle Moren
MEM:dkk cc: Chief of Police Ward Anderson

from: Lion News to:,,, Kelly Goggleye, "Maatz, Paul",, Jason Brown,,,, date: Thu, Jan 18, 2018 at 12:09 PM subject: Criminal complaint vs Roseau County Sheriff Steve Gust & County Coordinator Jeff Pelowski - illegally withheld electronic data - Nemmers & Goggleye mailed-by: 2 Attachments Roseau_Complaint_Evidence.pdf 18010112.pdf

from: Lion News to:,,, "Olson, Andrew C (GOV)" date: Thu, Apr 21, 2016 at 12:49 PM subject: You aren't seriously considering that common criminal Lake of Woods County Attorney James Austad for judge, are you? mailed-by:

from: Lion News to:,,, "Olson, Andrew C (GOV)" date: Wed, Apr 27, 2016 at 7:48 AM subject: You aren't seriously considering that common criminal Lake of Woods County Attorney James Austad for judge, are you? mailed-by:

Law Offices of Patrick D Moren Attorneys and Counselors at Law Patrick D Moren Michelle E Moren Kristy Kjos Over 70 Years of Combined Legal Experience 218-463-1564 Fax: 218-463-1175 PO Box 350 • 309 3rd St NW • Roseau, MN

Operation Committee – CDC Peterson reported t he Operations C ommittee did not meet but the following i tems were a carryover from the previous meeting. On June 29, 2016 the League of Minnesota Cities (LMC) conducted a Data Security Survey. The conclusion was that though the City has many safeguards in place, additional safeguards will strengthen the city’s program. LMC has r ecommendations for social media and computer use and has provided the following Model Policies. a. Social Media Policy b. Social Media Policy for Fire Department c. Social Media Policy for Law Enforcement d. Computer Use Policy e. City of Roseau Handbo ok City Attorney Michelle Moren stated these policies could be adopted individually or as part of the existing Data Practices Policy. The department heads would like to meet with City Attorney Michelle Moren to see if t hese p olicies will work for their dep artments. The LMC will provide training on these policies if the City requests it. After discussion, it was consensus to table the discu ssion and put it on the agenda for next month after review by City Attorney Michelle Moren and the Department Heads. 1 REGULAR ROSEAU CITY COUNCIL MEETING MONDAY – May 1 st , 201 7 @ 5:00 P.M. ROSEAU CITY CENTER COUNCIL CHAMBERS 121 Center Street East Suite 201 Roseau, MN 56751

B. Application for Authority to Dispose of Records (PR-1 form) The PR-1 form is available at the Minnesota Historical Society web site. A city may not destroy government records that are not listed on a records retention schedule without specific authorization from the Records Disposition Panel. League of Minnesota Cities HANDBOOK FOR MINNESOTA CITIES Chapter 26 Records Management

POLICE POL 00420 DUTY ROSTER Officers' logs. 2 Public MS 13.82
POLICE POL 00800 LOG SHEETS Officers 2 Public/private/ confidential MS 13.82

More to come . . .
Related links:

Criminal Complaint VS Corrupt Todd County Sheriff Don Asmus For Illegally Withholding Jail Data For Nemmers & Goggleye? Coerced To Plead Guilty In Rigged Case No. 44-CR-16-478 State Of Minnesota VS Kelly Bruce Goggleye?

Will Kelly's Jail Data Request Toss A Monkey Wrench Into Rigged Case No. 44-CR-16-478 State Of Minnesota VS Kelly Bruce Goggleye? It's Another One Of Mahnomen County's False Rape Cases, Isn't It? Brings Back Flashbacks Of Acquittal In Rigged Case No. 44-CR-12-281 State Of Minnesota VS William Ross McArthur, Doesn't It? It Does, Doesn't It? McArthur Was Subjected To 3 Years Of Malicious Prosecution, Wasn't He? He Was, Wasn't He? Kelly Harassed By Todd Co Sheriiff Don Asmus Over Electronic Jail Data? What The Heck, Huh? Nemmers Submits His Jail Data Reqeust To Corrupt Todd Co. Sheriff Asmus, Right?

Friday, January 26, 2018

Did Nemmers' Damning Email Toss A Monkey Wrench Into Corrupt Dakota County Criminal Division, The Assistant Dakota County Attorney Phillip Prokopowicz's 12-20-17 For First Judicial District Judge Job Opportunity?

2018 Corrupt Dakota County Attorney Phillip Prokopowicz Not Selected:

from: Dayton Media
to: Dayton Media
date: Fri, Jan 26, 2018 at 3:11 PM
subject: RELEASE: Commission on Judicial Selection Recommends First Judicial District Candidates to Governor Dayton

January 26, 2018

Contact: Sam Fettig
651-201-3408 office
612-214-2886 cell

Commission on Judicial Selection Recommends First Judicial District Candidates to Governor Dayton

ST. PAUL, MN – The Commission on Judicial Selection announced today it is recommending three candidates to Governor Mark Dayton for consideration to fill the current vacancy in Minnesota’s First Judicial District. This vacancy will occur upon the retirement of the Honorable Michael A. Fahey, and will be chambered at Hastings in Dakota County.

Patrick Goggins: Mr. Goggins is a partner at Wornson, Goggins, Neisen, Morris & Brever, P.C., where he has a private general practice. He is also Defense Counsel at Le Sueur County Drug Court, and previously was an attorney at the First Judicial District Public Defender’s Office and a law clerk in the Dakota County Attorney’s Office. Mr. Goggins is a member of the St. Wenceslaus Grade School Board, former president of the New Prague Chamber of Commerce and the Eighth District Bar Association, and a youth coach for both the New Prague Hockey and Baseball Associations.

Martin Fallon: Mr. Fallon is a partner at Maslon, L.L.P., handling complex commercial litigation. Previously, he was an associate at Maslon, Edelman, Brand, and Borman, L.L.P., an associate at Faegre & Benson, L.L.P., and a judicial law clerk to the Honorable David S. Doty, United States District Court, District of Minnesota. Mr. Fallon has been a mentor at St. Thomas School of Law and serves on the Ramsey County Historical Society Board, the St. Joseph’s Church Parish Finance Council, and the North Hennepin Community College Paralegal Program Advisory Board.

Tanya O’Brien: Ms. O’Brien is an Assistant Ramsey County Attorney, where she prosecutes a variety of felony crimes, including homicides. Previously, she was an Assistant Scott County Attorney and a judicial law clerk to the Honorable Lynn C. Olson and the Honorable Ellen L. Maas, Minnesota Tenth Judicial District. Ms. O’Brien is an Adjunct Professor at Mitchell Hamline School of law, the Secretary of the Prior Lake Athletics for Youth Board, and is a volunteer at Saint George Eastern Orthodox Church, FOCUS Minnesota, La Ola Del Lago, and St. Thomas Academy.

Minnesota’s First Judicial District consists of Carver, Dakota, Goodhue, Le Sueur, McLeod, Scott, and Sibley Counties.

An announcement of the appointment will be made following an interview process over the next few weeks.


Office of Governor Mark Dayton, Communications Department
130 State Capitol, 75 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., St. Paul, MN 55155
T: 651-201-3400 |

12-20-17 Job Opportunity For Corrupt Dakota County Attorney Phillip Prokopowicz?

from: Dayton Media
to: Dayton Media
date: Wed, Dec 20, 2017 at 4:15 PM
subject: RELEASE: Commission on Judicial Selection Announces Vacancy in the First Judicial District
security: Standard encryption (TLS) Learn more

Office of Governor Mark Dayton
& Lt. Governor Tina Smith

December 20, 2017

Contact: Sam Fettig
651-201-3408 desk
612-214-2886 cell

Commission on Judicial Selection Announces Vacancy in the First Judicial District

ST. PAUL, MN – The Commission on Judicial Selection announced today that a judgeship vacancy is occurring in Minnesota’s First Judicial District. This vacancy will occur upon the retirement of the Honorable Michael A. Fahey, and will be chambered at Hastings in Dakota County.

The Commission is searching for fair, experienced, and civic-minded individuals to serve on the bench and offer their talents and services to Minnesota’s judicial system. The following qualities will be considered for judicial office: integrity, maturity, health (if job related), judicial temperament, legal knowledge, ability, experience, and community service. The application process is now open for this vacancy.

An individual wishing to apply may request an application by writing to Lee E. Sheehy, Chair of the Commission on Judicial Selection, at 130 State Capitol, 75 Rev Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd, St. Paul, MN 55155, or by contacting Megan Jablonski Johnson, Judicial Appointments Coordinator, via e-mail at a A cover letter and resume should also be submitted with the application. Application materials are due by close of business on Wednesday, January 10, 2018. Interviews are scheduled to be held on Wednesday, January 24, 2018.

For inquiries concerning the application process, please contact Megan Jablonski Johnson at or at (651) 201-3451.


Office of the Governor & Lt. Governor, Communications Department
130 State Capitol, 75 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., St. Paul, MN 55155
T: 651-201-3400 |

Nemmers' 12-22-17 Monkey Wrench To Job Opportunity For Corrupt Dakota County Attorney Phillip Prokopowicz?

from: Lion News
Randy Kehr,,,,,,
Erica Stufflebeam,
Dede Evavold,
Michael Volpe,
"Prokopowicz, Phil",
date: Fri, Dec 22, 2017 at 8:23 AM
subject: Case No. 19AV-FA-14-1375 In Re: custody of LLB and EDB; Jeremy James Boles, Petitioner and Colleen Angela Crouley, Respondent ***Judge Wermager Assigned***

Lee Sheehy, Chair - Minnesota Commission on Judicial Selection:

Is this corrupt Chief Deputy Dakota County Attorney Phillip Prokopowicz's latest perennial attempt to become a corrupt Dakota County judge? Hmm" inquiring minds want to know, don't they?

Commission on Judicial Selection Announces Vacancy in the First Judicial District ST. PAUL, MN – The Commission on Judicial Selection announced today that a judgeship vacancy is occurring in Minnesota’s First Judicial District. This vacancy will occur upon the retirement of the Honorable Michael A. Fahey, and will be chambered at Hastings in Dakota County. Application materials are due by close of business on Wednesday, January 10, 2018. Interviews are scheduled to be held on Wednesday, January 24, 2018.

I helped toss a monkey wrench wrench into Prokopowicz's failed 2015 attempt, didn't I?

Commission on Judicial Selection Recommends First Judicial District Candidates to Governor Dayton November 6, 2015 Phillip Prokopowicz: Mr. Prokopowicz serves as the Chief Deputy Dakota County Attorney, where he is responsible for handling misdemeanor, gross misdemeanor, felony, and juvenile delinquency cases. Previously, Mr. Prokopowicz was the head of the Dakota County Criminal Division, the Assistant Dakota County Attorney, and an adjunct professor at William Mitchell College of Law. Mr. Prokopowicz has volunteered for the Inver Grove Heights Parks Department as a youth baseball and soccer coach and formerly served on the Board of Directors for the Inver Grove Heights Community Schools.

And, I also helped toss a monkey wrench wrench into Prokopowicz's failed 2016 attempt, didn't I?

Commission on Judicial Selection Recommends First Judicial District Candidates to Governor Dayton April 29, 2016. Phillip Prokopowicz: Mr. Prokopowicz serves as the Chief Deputy Dakota County Attorney, where he is responsible for handling misdemeanor, gross misdemeanor, felony, and juvenile delinquency cases. Previously, Mr. Prokopowicz was the head of the Dakota County Criminal Division, the Assistant Dakota County Attorney, and an adjunct professor at William Mitchell College of Law. Mr. Prokopowicz has volunteered for the Inver Grove Heights Parks Department as a youth baseball and soccer coach and formerly served on the Board of Directors for the Inver Grove Heights Community Schools.

Didn't Prokopowicz also try for the open corrupt judge spot in McLeod county? Hmm? Would you mind asking Prokopowicz when he plans on giving the Sandra Grazzini-Rucki the rest of her evidence for the high-profile Sandra Grazzini-Rucki case no. 19HA-CR-15-2669?

A. Co-Defendant Deirdre Evavold received 12 times the evidence as Appellant. Appellant’s Reply Brief, Addendum. Case Number: A16-1997 State of Minnesota, Respondent, vs. Sandra Grazzini-Rucki, Petitioner, page 10.
Would you mind asking Prokopowicz why he would charge a huge amount of money to a data subject when they have forma pauperis status in a high-profile criminal case? Ex. Sandra Grazzini-Rucki 9HA-CR-15-2669.

Mr. Grigsby: May I make just one point?
The Court: Yes.
Mr. Grigsby: I think if I - - if the Court approves the in forma pauperis, then she gets it without cost. The rules don’t necessarily say they can withhold discovery until payment is made; it simply allows them to charge for costs. So there’s ways to accomplish this. They’re somehow interpreting the rule as a right to prepayment. This is not in the rules.
The Court: Okay.
Mr. Grigsby: They can bill somebody.
The Court: Right. And there is no motion before me in terms of a discovery dispute, and I sure hope that you folks can coordinate this because you need to go forward. There’s no doubt in my mind that you need your discovery. Transcript of proceedings for the 24th day of November, 2015 for Court File No. 19HA-CR-15-2669 State of Minnesota vs Sandra Grazzini-Rucki

Would you mind asking if Prokopowicz if he ever charges data subjects in high-profile criminal case the actual cost of data? Ex. Deirdre Elise Evavold in 19HA-CR-15-4227.

Originally charged $210 for 6 CD’s that would fit onto 1 DVD. April 29th billed another $91 for a CD of police reports received since January 22, 2016. Missing Evidence: Lakville Officer Kelli Coughlin’s preliminary audio recorded statement from Gianna & Samantha Rucki Preliminary audio statement of David Rucki, Tamy Love, Rick Hakanson, Loralie Muslof, Kelli Coughlin, Jim Dronen, and Mathew Palmer – Deputy US Marshal, (Corresponding audo and video with a report.) Stearns County Evidence (Surveillance of Residence by David Rucki) (Private, criminal investigative data for Christian Fox) Blue ray disc containing MN Bureau of Criminal Apprehension reports. … Appellant Brief, Case Number: A17-0200 State of Minnesota, Respondent, vs. Deirdre Elise Evavold, Appellant, page 13.

Would you mind asking if Prokopowicz the status of the following criminal investigations related to the high-profile Deirdre Elise Evavold case no. 19HA-CR-15-4227 and the high-profile Sandra Grazzini-Rucki case no. 9HA-CR-15-2669?

Summary: Request to accept a complaint that has been previously reported and is being investigated by another jurisdiction. Incident: Assist Public, Date: 6/24/16, Time: 11:58, Name: Evavold, Deirdre Elise. Hasting Police Dept. Incident Report 16-900060 (Public portion of initial criminal complaint) Summary: On 07-20-2016 at around 1227 hours, Hastings Officer took a threats report in the area of the 1500 block of Hwy 55. Incident:Threats/stalking, Date: 7/20/2016, Time: 12:27, Name: McDonald, Michelle. Hasting Police Dept. Incident Report 16-002285 (Public portion of initial criminal complaint) Summary: On July 20, 2016 officers were called to city hall to take a harassment complaint that occurred at the Dakota County Government Center. Incident: Harassment, Date: 7/20/2016, Time: 12:00, Name: Michael Kenneth Rhedin. Hasting Police Dept. Incident Report 16-002284 (Public portion of initial criminal complaint)

Would you mind asking if Prokopowicz why he would bring rape charges against a suspect when the main witness for the alleged victim says the alleged rapist is innocent?

NB: No. She told me that she said she wasn’t willing to have sex with him. She felt that she got raped. That’s what she told me. When I asked her – because when she told me that she was going to the police, because this stuff happened, I asked her, “If you feel that way you can. Remember I asked you if you were okay in that bathroom and you told me ‘Yes.” MG: And she knew that you and Igor were right outside the bathroom so if something were happening against her will, all she had to do is yell. Right? NB: All she had to do is yell. Igor even asked in Russian – I believe that is what they speak – if she was okay and he responded that she was okay. They both came out afterwards, after everything happened, and they both said they had sex. But then after that she started not feeling good. … MB: To me they were both intoxicated and afterwards she still wanted it – or she would have screamed if she didn’t want to have it. Like I have talked to my mother about this because it’s been bothering me since the incident happened. I don’t feel like Max should be (she was choking up about this and couldn’t speak)…. NB: She would freak out and she would tell me afterwards that what happened. I would have call the police police right there and then. But if it didn’t happen, don’t do that to Max especially you tell me that “I hope he calls me.” That’s not rape. That’s not nothing. I feel so bad for Max. Nicole Brekkestran = NB. MG = Mike Grostyan, private investigator for Maksim Simonov in 19HA-CR-15-1637. September 30, 2015

Prokopowicz loves malicious prosecution, doesn't he?

12/01/2016 Disposition (Judicial Officer: Wermager, Tim D.) 1. Criminal Sex Conduct-3rd Degree-Victim Mental Impair/Helpless (Not applicable - GOC) Acquitted 2. Criminal Sex Cond-5th Degree-Nonconsensual Sexual Contact (Not applicable - GOC) Acquitted Case No. 19HA-CR-15-1637 State of Minnesota vs Maksim A Simonov

Would you mind asking if Prokopowicz why a millionaire is allegedly on welfare in Dakota county?

Finding of Fact: “The Father receives child support services from Dakota County for the joint children pursuant to the Title IV D of the Social Security Act. Order concerning discovery, continuance and temporary support. Maria K. Pastoor, Child Support Magistrate Dated: August 11, 2016. Case No. 19AV-FA-11-1273 In the Marriage of Sandra Sue Grazzini-Rucki vs David Victor Rucki
[David] Rucki owns three homes and is a principle in multiple businesses. Multi-Millionaire Rucki claims pauper status in court written by Michael Volpe Aug 29, 2016.

Would you mind asking if Prokopowicz if he has a personal vendetta against Jeremy James Boles?

Just two days prior to the court hearing for the Contempt of Court charges and just two days prior to the Custody hearing that was to finalize the temporary order that had been put into place by the courts my ex decided to take our children to see a therapist. During the therapy session my children supposedly made claims of sexual abuse and physical abuse against me. The therapist (whom works right by James Backstrom's office) called the Apple Valley Police whom reviewed the therapist's notes from my children's first session and placed my children on a health and safety hold. The Officer never talked to nor seen my children. Not one person called me nor made a homevisit and still to this day almost two years later not one person has made a visit to my home. Mr. Backstrom is will aware of this but has allowed my children to be held from me with no contact for almost two years. The courts just recently sent me a new order out of the blue stating that they are terminating jurisdiction and that the case is now closed with no explanation. Thank You Jeremy James Boles (Unsigned statement)

Would you mind asking if Prokopowicz if he looked into the drug allegations against the mother of Jeremy James Boles' child, Colleem Angela Crouley?

I also found the guilty party’s cell phone that she CLAIMED the non-guilty party stole from her which is false. She tossed it out of anger and could not find where it went. One afternoon when deep cleaning the cellphone was found. I charged the phone and turned it on and found a large number of text messages that can show she is selling Adderall that is getting illegally, wanting to get coke and drunk during the day whle the kids are in her care. I would love to share this phone with your local police. .. The no-guilty part has a court order that I will try to attach to this email, if you don’t get it please let me know. You may feel free to call the non-guilty party at 612-300-9452 Jermey or my number is 612-990-3593 Erica. From Erica Stufflebeam [] Sent: Sunday, June 08, 2014 9:32AM To Dakota County Attorney; Bellows, Dave; Subject: please explain.

Would you mind asking if Prokopowicz if assistant Dakota County attorney is a law enforcement officer or not?
From: Dakota County attorney; Sent: Monday, June 9, 2014 259 PM; To ‘Erica Stufflebeam’ This Office is in receipt of you June 8, 2014, email regarding the alleged violation of Colleen Crouley of the visitation schedule set forth in Judge MCManus’ order dated May 27, 2014. This Office does not investigate crimes, so if Mr Boles believes that Ms. Crouley has deprived him of his parental rights by failing to return the children in violation of the court order, he should report the matter to his local law enforcement agency. Alternatively, he may report it to the local law enforcement agency where Ms. Crouley resides. If an investigation is conducted and the investigating law enforcement agency believes a crime had been committed it will refer the case to the appropriate county or city attorney’s office for charging consideration. Regards, Kathy Keena, Criminal Division Head.

Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713

P.S. Did you think that I didn't notice your dirty trick for the corrupt judge candidates for the corrupt 6th judicial district?

Commission on Judicial Selection Recommends Sixth Judicial District Candidates to Governor Dayton FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE December 8, 2017 ST. PAUL, MN – The Commission on Judicial Selection announced today it is recommending three candidates to Governor Mark Dayton for consideration to fill the current vacancy in Minnesota’s Sixth Judicial District. This vacancy occurred upon the retirement of the Honorable Terrence M. Aronson, and will be chambered at Virginia in St. Louis County.

Commission on Judicial Selection Announces Vacancy in the Sixth Judicial District FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 23, 2017 Commission on Judicial Selection Announces Vacancy in the Sixth Judicial District Application materials are due by close of business on Monday, November 13, 2017. Interviews are scheduled to be held on Thursday, December 14, 2017.

Commission on Judicial Selection Recommends First Judicial District Candidates to Governor Dayton
November 6, 2015
ST. PAUL, MN - The Commission on Judicial Selection announced today it is recommending three candidates to Governor Mark Dayton for consideration to fill the current vacancy in Minnesota's First Judicial District. This vacancy was created upon the retirement of the Honorable Mary J. Theisen, and will be chambered at Hastings in Dakota County.

Phillip Prokopowicz: Mr. Prokopowicz serves as the Chief Deputy Dakota County Attorney, where he is responsible for handling misdemeanor, gross misdemeanor, felony, and juvenile delinquency cases. Previously, Mr. Prokopowicz was the head of the Dakota County Criminal Division, the Assistant Dakota County Attorney, and an adjunct professor at William Mitchell College of Law. Mr. Prokopowicz has volunteered for the Inver Grove Heights Parks Department as a youth baseball and soccer coach and formerly served on the Board of Directors for the Inver Grove Heights Community Schools.

Commission on Judicial Selection Recommends First Judicial District Candidates to Governor Dayton
April 29, 2016
ST. PAUL, MN – The Commission on Judicial Selection announced today it is recommending four candidates to Governor Mark Dayton for consideration to fill the current vacancies in Minnesota’s First Judicial District. The vacancies are created upon the upcoming retirements of the Honorable Thomas W. Bibus and the Honorable Patrice K. Sutherland. Judge Bibus’ seat will be chambered at Red Wing in Goodhue County and Judge Sutherland’s seat will be chambered at Hastings in Dakota County.

Phillip Prokopowicz: Mr. Prokopowicz serves as the Chief Deputy Dakota County Attorney, where he is responsible for handling misdemeanor, gross misdemeanor, felony, and juvenile delinquency cases. Previously, Mr. Prokopowicz was the head of the Dakota County Criminal Division, the Assistant Dakota County Attorney, and an adjunct professor at William Mitchell College of Law. Mr. Prokopowicz has volunteered for the Inver Grove Heights Parks Department as a youth baseball and soccer coach and formerly served on the Board of Directors for the Inver Grove Heights Community Schools.

More to come . . .
Related links:

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Update: ICR#: 18010112 For Criminal Complaint VS Corrupt Todd County Sheriff Don Asmus For Illegally Withholding Jail Data From Nemmers & Goggleye? Kelly Coerced To Plead Guilty In Rigged Case No. 44-CR-16-478 State Of Minnesota VS Kelly Bruce Goggleye?

from: Luan Thomas-Brunkhorst via
to: Lion News
date: Fri, Jan 12, 2018 at 12:32 PM
subject: RE: Criminal complaint vs Todd County Sheriff Don Asmus - illegally withheld jail data - Nemmers & Goggleye
security: Standard encryption (TLS) Learn more

What should I do with this information?

From: Lion News []
Sent: Friday, January 12, 2018 12:00 PM
To:; Luan Thomas-Brunkhorst ;; Kelly Goggleye ; Maatz, Paul ;; Jason Brown ;;;;
Subject: Criminal complaint vs Todd County Sheriff Don Asmus - illegally withheld jail data - Nemmers & Goggleye

from: Brenda Thomes
to: Lion News
date: Tue, Jan 16, 2018 at 2:36 PM
subject: RE: Criminal complaint vs Todd County Sheriff Don Asmus - illegally withheld jail data - Nemmers & Goggleye
security: Standard encryption (TLS) Learn more

Good Afternoon Terry

You should have received a Long Prairie PD incident report from our Police Chief Kevin Langer earlier today.

If there is any additional information regarding this matter, please contact our City Attorney Joseph Krueger at
Brown and Krueger Law Office.

Thank you

Brenda Thomes
City Administrator/Clerk

From: Lion News []
Sent: Friday, January 12, 2018 12:00 PM
To:;; Brenda Thomes; Kelly Goggleye; Maatz, Paul;; Jason Brown;;;;
Subject: Criminal complaint vs Todd County Sheriff Don Asmus - illegally withheld jail data - Nemmers & Goggleye

from: Langer, Kevin (Ci-LongPrairie)
to: ""
date: Tue, Jan 16, 2018 at 1:58 PM
security: Standard encryption (TLS) Learn more

2 Attachments: 18010112.pdf, Kevin Langer.vcf

Goggleye's Todd County jail data request:

More to come . . . .

Related links:

Criminal Complaint VS Corrupt Todd County Sheriff Don Asmus For Illegally Withholding Jail Data For Nemmers & Goggleye? Coerced To Plead Guilty In Rigged Case No. 44-CR-16-478 State Of Minnesota VS Kelly Bruce Goggleye?

Will Kelly's Jail Data Request Toss A Monkey Wrench Into Rigged Case No. 44-CR-16-478 State Of Minnesota VS Kelly Bruce Goggleye? It's Another One Of Mahnomen County's False Rape Cases, Isn't It? Brings Back Flashbacks Of Acquittal In Rigged Case No. 44-CR-12-281 State Of Minnesota VS William Ross McArthur, Doesn't It? It Does, Doesn't It? McArthur Was Subjected To 3 Years Of Malicious Prosecution, Wasn't He? He Was, Wasn't He? Kelly Harassed By Todd Co Sheriiff Don Asmus Over Electronic Jail Data? What The Heck, Huh? Nemmers Submits His Jail Data Reqeust To Corrupt Todd Co. Sheriff Asmus, Right?

Friday, January 12, 2018

Criminal Complaint VS Corrupt Todd County Sheriff Don Asmus For Illegally Withholding Jail Data For Nemmers & Goggleye? Coerced To Plead Guilty In Rigged Case No. 44-CR-16-478 State Of Minnesota VS Kelly Bruce Goggleye?

from: Lion News
Kelly Goggleye,
"Maatz, Paul",,
Jason Brown,,,,
date: Fri, Jan 12, 2018 at 11:59 AM
subject: Criminal complaint vs Todd County Sheriff Don Asmus - illegally withheld jail data - Nemmers & Goggleye

Kevin Langer, Police Chief (320)732-2156:

This is my formal criminal complaint against your corrupt Todd County Sheriff Don Asmus for misuse public resources (609.52 Theft), for criminal misconduct (609.43 Misconduct of public officer or employee), for harassment (MS 609.748) and for willful refusal to comply with the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act (MGDPA) (13.09 Penalties). Email me the public portion of my initial complaint report (ICR) in its original searchable pdf format to:

Terry Dean Nemmers (320)283-5713

When can I get a copy of the investigative report? Investigation ongoing If the law enforcement agency is still investigating the crime, members of the public will not be able to get a copy of the report. They can, however, get what’s often referred to as the public portion of the report containing basic information about the case that is classified as public. HOW DO I GET A COPY OF MY POLICE REPORT? INFORMATION FOR CRIME VICTIMS WHO WANT TO MAKE A REQUEST FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT DATA

Provide you with the data within 10 business days. You may choose to pick up your copies, or we will mail or fax them to you. We will provide electronic copies (such as email or CD-ROM) upon request if we keep the data in electronic format. Commissioner of the Dept of Administration's Model Data Practices Policy: Requests for Data About You and Your Rights as a Data Subject Minnesota Statutes, sections 13.025 and 13.03 (2016) requires this policy.

Attachement: AsmusCmplEvidence.pdf

from: Lion News
to: "Maatz, Paul",
Kelly Goggleye,,
Jason Brown,,,
"Kolar, Kristine",
date: Thu, Jan 11, 2018 at 12:39 PM
subject: Coerced to plead guilty in rigged Case No. 44-CR-16-478 State of Minnesota vs Kelly Bruce Goggleye?

Paul Maatz, Ninth Judicial District Administrator (218) 755-4500:

You still aren’t mad at me for sending you that clear, precise and unquestionable evidence that corrupt Aitkin County Attorney Jimmy Ratz was trying to force Jesse (Case No. 01-CR-16-29 State of Minnesota vs Jesse James Alvord) into pleading guilty or to be found guilty at trial without ever receiving all his readily available, free, electronic, criminal investigative data and jail data, are you? I’d be upset if you weren’t, wouldn’t I? Guess what? I have reason to suspect that Kelly (Case No. 44-CR-16-478 State Of Minnesota VS Kelly Bruce Goggleye) was coerced by his corrupt public pretender Joyanna Mickels and corrupt Mahnomen Co. Attorney Darlene Rivera Spalla into a false Alford Plea on 01-09-18, haven’t I?

What proof? I’ve attached a statement authored by Kelly, haven’t I? See attached. It clearly outlines malpractice by public pretender Joyanna Mickels, doesn’t it? It also clearly outlines Mahnomen Co. Attorney Darlene Rivera Spalla’s Brady violations, doesn’t it? (Mickels willfully refused to file for sanctions, didn't she?)

Effective criminal defense attorneys are proactive: a defense attorney must not hesitate to seek sanctions against a prosecutor whom fails to uphold their Brady obligation. Ryan Pacyga Criminal Defense is committed to ensuring that the laws and legal processes are fair and that the government plays by the rules. Brady Obligations: Make Sure Your Lawyer Gets ALL of the Evidence

Kelly's damning statement exposes your corrupt judge Anne Marie Rasmusson’s attempt to prevent Kelly from preparing for trial by obtaining the transcripts of the joke hearings Kelly has been subjected to, doesn’t it? The transcripts would have been clear, precise and unquestionable evidence that the hearings were only designed to break Kelly’s will and force him to plead guilty to a crime he didn’t commit, wouldn’t they? Kelly’s damning statement also provide proof that penniless Kelly has had an expensive and faulty GPS ankle bracelet issued by the disputable Brian Ringstrom, Digital Detention, didn’t it? Would you like to hear the audio statement Kelly made with his cousin Robert Goodman? Who is Robert Goodman? Oh, Goodman’s the guy who was falsely accused of rape by Mya Gonzalez, isn’t he? He is, isn’t he? Who is Mya Gonzalez? Mya Gonzalez is Kelly’s false accuser, isn’t she? She is, isn’t she?

M.N.L.G stated to Kelly Goggleye and Angela Gonzales that she was scared and that DAVID WILLIAM JACK had raped her on at least ten different occasions when she was eight years of age. Complaint 44-CR-11-387 State of Minnesota vs. David William Jack. Filed May 19, 2011.

On February 3, 2015 I, Investigator Breeann Brandenburger along with Indian Child Welfare worker Andrew McCormick went to speak with Mya Nishalynn Gonzalez dob: 12-05-2001 at Northwestern Juvenile Center in Bemidji, Minnesota. ... Mya disclosed details about Robert Michael Goodman sexually assaulting her. ORI: MN0440000, Case number: M15000795, Date 07/16/2015.

Sergeant Anderson and I arrived at N113 and spoke with Roger Burnette. ... Roger said that his daughters had been talking with Mya who confided in them that the reason she would not go home was because her step-dad Kelly was touching her and abusing her. ORI: MN0440000, Case number: M13003572, Ryan Lee Zettel, Badge 27204.

Plus, I have all sorts of audio recorded statements where Kelly is stating he has no intention of taking a plea deal, don’t I? I do, don’t I? I even have an audio of Kelly telling me he is going to reject his current plea deal, don’t I? Would you like to listen to those audio recordings? How about listening to an audio of crazy sounding Brian Ringstrom, Digital Detention? Hmm? I’m thinking that I have a lot more audios where Kelly is clearly stating that Mickels isn’t doing her advertised job, aren’t I? I am, aren’t I? So are you or aren't you going to investigate whether or not Kelly Bruce Goggleye was coerced into signing the Alford plea on 01-09-18? Hmm? Inquiring minds want to know, don't they? (You're not going to, are you?)

Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713

P.S. Remember when you made that crazy statement that your job wasn’t to investigate complaints for the Ninth Judicial District Chief Judge? I’ve included those crazy emails, also, haven’t I?

Will Kelly's Jail Data Request Toss A Monkey Wrench Into Rigged Case No. 44-CR-16-478 State Of Minnesota VS Kelly Bruce Goggleye? It's Another One Of Mahnomen County's False Rape Cases, Isn't It? Brings Back Flashbacks Of Acquittal In Rigged Case No. 44-CR-12-281 State Of Minnesota VS William Ross McArthur, Doesn't It? It Does, Doesn't It? McArthur Was Subjected To 3 Years Of Malicious Prosecution, Wasn't He? He Was, Wasn't He? Kelly Harassed By Todd Co Sheriiff Don Asmus Over Electronic Jail Data? What The Heck, Huh? Nemmers Submits His Jail Data Reqeust To Corrupt Todd Co. Sheriff Asmus, Right?

Attachment: EvidenceGoggleyeCoerced.pdf

Kevin Langer, Police Chief Long     01-12-18
Prairie Police Department
615 Lake Street South
Long Prairie, MN 56347
Phone: (320)732-2156

Emailed to:,,,,,,,,,,

This is my formal criminal complaint against your corrupt Todd County Sheriff Don Asmus for misuse public resources (609.52 Theft), for criminal misconduct (609.43 Misconduct of public officer or employee), for harassment (MS 609.748) and for willful refusal to comply with the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act (MGDPA) (13.09 Penalties). Email me the public portion of my initial complaint report (ICR) in its original searchable pdf format to:

I have reason to suspect that I have clear, precise and unquestionable evidence that your corrupt Todd County Sheriff Don Asmus has illegally withheld readily available, free, electronic jail data not only from me but also from a Kelly Bruce Goggleye. I have attached my signed my 04-25-17 informed consent form and Goggleye’s March 13, 2017 informed consent form. I’ve also included a statement from Kelly Goggleye in which he states that Asmus is still illegally withholding a large part of his requested readily available, free, electronic jail data.

This is the problem I am having with my Attorney Joyanna Mickels she is denying me my full Discovery and denying me my Audio and Video statements from the witnesses and the supposedly vitctim . And my Attorney Joyanna Mickels secretly filed a motion with the court and I didn’t get the notice of the motion until Oct.26 that evening. And I requested my jail data and I have not received my jail data from Mahnomen county and Roseau county , I only received a partial jail data from Todd county. And it took my Attorney Joyanna Mickels one year to send out the investigator to get my Mother’s and Step Fathers statement , and also my Grandpa’s statement. (no subject) Kelly Goggleye To: Lion News Thu, Nov 16, 2017 at 9:03 AM I apologize for the mix up Goggleye 218-930-3437 letter.odt 21K

Asmus was charging the penniless Goggleye large amounts of money for his data when according to statute (611.271 Copies Of Documents; Fees; 611.272 Access to Government Data) the data was free. Asmus made the wild and outrageous claims to me that my data no longer existed. Of course, Asmus never provided me with the Todd Co. data retention schedule nor the reports authorizing the destruction of my incriminating electronic jail records to substantiate his wild and outrageous claims.

Motive: I have reason to suspect the motive for Amus to illegally withhold my jail data is because it would document Assistant Pope County Attorney Chad Larson sending me a weapon/contraband in into the Todd County in legal mail.. The legal mail was opened and inspected prior to being brought to my cell. The weapon was labeled “07002616 Photos CD-R Terry Nemmers.” A n obvious cover-up.

In the case of Goggleye, I have reason to suspect that Asmus was conspiring with Mahnomen Co. Attorney Darlene Rivera Spalla to illegally withhold Goggleye’s jail data from him. I have reason to suspect that Asmus’ and Rivera’s plot involved either forcing Kelly to plead or to be found guilty at trial without ever receiving all his evidence. After the recent death of a family member Kelly, magically & mysterious did an Alford plea. This contradicts his numerous audio recorded statements that he would never take a plea deal. I have reason to suspect that Kelly was coerced into making a fake confession.
Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713
20179 County Road 28
Glenwood, MN 56334

More to come . . .
Related links:

Will Kelly's Jail Data Request Toss A Monkey Wrench Into Rigged Case No. 44-CR-16-478 State Of Minnesota VS Kelly Bruce Goggleye? It's Another One Of Mahnomen County's False Rape Cases, Isn't It? Brings Back Flashbacks Of Acquittal In Rigged Case No. 44-CR-12-281 State Of Minnesota VS William Ross McArthur, Doesn't It? It Does, Doesn't It? McArthur Was Subjected To 3 Years Of Malicious Prosecution, Wasn't He? He Was, Wasn't He? Kelly Harassed By Todd Co Sheriiff Don Asmus Over Electronic Jail Data? What The Heck, Huh? Nemmers Submits His Jail Data Reqeust To Corrupt Todd Co. Sheriff Asmus, Right?

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Corrupt Waite City Attorney Paul A. Rajkowski Conspiring With Corrupt Wannabe Sheriff/POST Board Member/Waite Park Chief Of Police Dave Bentrud To Illegally Withhold Incriminating & Damning Ibrahim Isaac Related Data?

from: Lion News
"Bentrud, David",,,,,,,,,,
Ibrahim Isaac
date: Sun, Jan 7, 2018 at 8:20 AM
subject: Corrupt Waite City Attorney Paul A. Rajkowski Conspiring With Corrupt Wannabe Sheriff/POST Board Member/Waite Park Chief Of Police Dave Bentrud To Illegally Withhold Incriminating & Damning Ibrahim Isaac Related Data?

Richard E. Miller, Waite Park Mayor

Why are your corrupt Waite City Attorney Paul A. Rajkowski conspiring with your corrupt wannabe Stearns County Sheriff/POST Board Member/Waite Park Chief Of Police Dave Bentrud to illegally withhold incriminating & damning data related to Somali, Muslim, law enforcement student Ibrahim Isaac, huh? Inquiring minds want to know, don't they? Oh, wait I remember the motive for illegally withhold incriminating & damning data related to Somali, Muslim, law enforcement student Ibrahim Isaac, don't I? The motive is to cover up the stings that Somali, Muslim, law enforcement student Ibrahim Isaac and I did on corrupt organizations like the City of Waite Park, Stearns County Attorney Janelle Kendall's office, Stearns County Sheriff John Sanner's Sheriff's dept., The St. Cloud Police dept, the Stearns County criminal court, the public defender's office, the St. Cloud Times, the MN POST board, #Unitecloud and last but not least, CAIR-MN, isn't it? It is, isn't it?

And that is why your corrupt City Attorney Paul A. Rajkowski, Gordon H. Hansmeier, Steven A. Bader are making harassing phone calls to me, right? And that is why Rajkowski, Hansmeier, and Bader are using similar tactics on me to illegally withhold this readily available, free, electronic, public data like they did from Somali, Muslim, law enforcement student Ibrahim Isaac, right? That's right, isn't it? Which is why neither Rajkowski, Hansmeier, nor Bader want to tell me the sizes of the DSS audio files nor even file share me the readily available, free, electronic, public data, right? Too bad for Rajkowski, Hansmeier, and Bader that part of the sting resulted in Ibrahim obtaining some of the data that they are currently illegally withholding, right?

8 Attachments Data Practice Request - Ibrahim Isaac.pdf 3296K, 15607772 (nt) covert alh.wav 4330K, 15607772 (nt) stmt alh.wav 1519K, 15607772 (nt) stmt iai.wav 841K, 15607772 (nt) stmt mrl.wav 2024K, 15607772 911 Call Audio (disorderly 11-17-15).wav 6241K, 15607772 covert stmt aao.wav 428K, 15607772 phn call iai (vm thu nov 26, 2015 1034 pm).wav 2490K. From: County Attorney

Which means I do know that approximate sizes of the DSS audio files, right? Which also means I do know the sizes of the files of the police reports that Kendall sent to Isaac, right? The police reports that Kendall willfully and maliciously sent in scanned pdf format instead of the required searchable pdf format, right? Which means that the incriminating and damning data can easily be file shared to me, right? That's right, isn't it? So are you going to immediately file share me this data or do you want me to file a criminal complaint against your corrupt wannabe Stearns County Sheriff/POST Board Member/Waite Park Chief Of Police Dave Bentrud with interim Stearns County sheriff Don Gudmundson? Inquiring minds really, really want to know, don't they? (I'm actually hoping you opt for the criminal complaint option, aren't I?)

Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713

P.S. Would you like to listen to these damning & incriminating audio recordings: 112717_CAIRHussein, 112717_WaiteParkDBenrud, 112717_WaiteParkSBader, 120617_POSTBilldsoe, 120617_POSTNGove, 120717_WaiteParkHansmeier, 120717_WaiteParkSBader, 121217_WaiteParkRajkowski?

P.S.S. You don't mind if I slowly, but surely, upload these and other incriminating audios over the 2018 election cycle, do you? Lion News: Ibrahim Isaac Brutality Victim Of POST Board’s Waite Park PD Chief David Bentrud? Lion News: St Cloud Police Destroying Evidence In 73-CR-16-2736 By Mistagging WatchGuard Vid? Lion News: Stearns Co. Deputy Kern & St Cloud Officer Priebe Target Ibrahim Isaac For Harassment? Lion News: Waite Park Chief Bentrud Falsely Accuses Ibrahim Of Being Pistol Packing Sex Maniac? Lion News: St. Cloud Times Conspires With Sheriff Sanner In Obstruction Of Justice – Dede Evavold?

Narrative: On Sunday November 5, 2017, I, Chief Kevin Ruberg received an email from Terry Dean, Nemmers regarding alleged criminal activity by former Lake County Attorney/Special Assistant Itasca County Attorney Laura Auron, Lake County Attorney/Special Assistant Itasca County Attorney Russ Conrow, and Lake County Sheriff Carey Johnson. The allegation made by Mr. Nemmers include the following: MN Statute 609.52 Theft MN Statute 609.43 Misconduct of Public Officer of Employee MN Statute 609.748 Harassment; Restraining order MN Statute 13.09 MN Government Data Practices Act; Penalties All documents provide by Mr. Nemmers are attached to this file. Investigation to continue. Open/Active. ICR#: 17260081 Report dated: 11/13/2017 Reported time: 11:55, Two Harbors Police Department

What’s new with Rule 14? Rule 14 of the General Rules of Practice governs eFiling and eService. Previously, this Rule allowed documents to be eFiled in several different formats. As of September 13, 2013, however, documents are required to “be submitted in searchable PDF format only.” eCourtMn University Filing a Searchable PDF Document Under Rule 14 v2 Page 1 skills, tools, and knowledge on our way to a paperless court Fast Facts: eFiling a Searchable PDF Document Under Rule 14 13.09 PENALTIES. (a) Any person who willfully violates the provisions of this chapter or any rules adopted under this chapter or whose conduct constitutes the knowing unauthorized acquisition of not public data, as defined in section 13.055, subdivision 1, is guilty of a misdemeanor. (b) Willful violation of this chapter, including any action subject to a criminal penalty under paragraph (a), by any public employee constitutes just cause for suspension without pay or dismissal of the public employee. History: 1974 c 479 s 6; 1975 c 401 s 6; 1976 c 239 s 6; 1981 c 311 s 39; 1982 c 545 s 24; 1985 c 298 s 7; 2014 c 284 s 3 Paul A. Rajkowski Partner and CEO Location: St. Cloud, Minnesota Phone: 320-251-1055 Fax: 320-251-5896 Email: Email Me Gordon H. Hansmeier Partner Location: St. Cloud, Minnesota Phone: 320-251-1055 Fax: 320-251-5896 Email: Email Me Steven A. Bader Associate Location: St. Cloud, Minnesota Phone: 320-251-1055 Fax: 320-251-5896 Email: Email Me CONTACT: CAIR-MN Executive Director Jaylani Hussein, 612-406-0070,; CAIR National Communications Director Ibrahim Hooper, 202-744-7726, Natalie Ringsmuth, #unitecloud Executive Director (404) 422-0290
Newsroom Lisa Schwarz News Director @LisaSSchwarz Lisa Schwarz - St. Cloud Times 320-255-8760 The POST Board's 15 members represent you. Please do not hesitate to contact them with your questions or concerns.
Chair Timothy Bildsoe (2019), Public Member,
Dave Bentrud (2018), Chief of Police,
Troy Wolbersen (2019), Sheriff,

Board Of Peace Officer Standards And Training Legal Basis: M.S. 626.841 1600 University Avenue, #200 St Paul, MN, 55104‐3825 Telephone: (651) 201‐7788 Public Member Timothy Bildsoe 730 N 4th Street Minneapolis MN 55401 (612) 801-3599 tbildsoe Hennepin 59B 3 M No Party Preference White or Caucasian N 03/17/2015 01/07/2019
About Suggest Edits PAGE INFO Born in December 2017 CONTACT INFO Call 320-980-0508 MORE INFO About I'm Dave Bentrud and I want to be your next Stearns County Sheriff. I believe we can benefit our communities by working together. categories Politician STORY I'm Dave Bentrud and I want to be your next Stearns County Sheriff. I believe we can make real change for our community by working together.

Update On Minnesota Board of Peace Officer Standards and Training's (POST) Rigged Investigation? Chapter 13 Data Request To Test To See If Nathan R. Gove, POST Executive Director & Police Chief Board Members Dave Bentrud, Waite Park Police Chief & Paul Schnell, Maplewood Police Chief Comply With Data Practice Laws?

Ibrahim Abdiaziz Isaac Files Complaint VS Corrupt Stearns Co. Judge Landwehr 73-CR-16-2736? Will St. Cloud Times - #UniteCloud - CAIR MN - State Representative Ilhan Omar Step Up And Help Isaac As Much As Nemmers Has, Hmm? (Not, Right?) Landwehr Forced To Recuse Herself From Isaacs' Rigged Case? Hey Ibrahim Has All Sorts Of Incriminating Audio Recordings, Hasn't He? He Has, Hasn't He?

2 Attachments:

Harassment of Ibrahim Isaac by Chief Bentrud - Chapter 13 data request112717_732am.pdf 62K, Fwd: Data Practice Request090616_1202pm.pdf

Attachment: Fwd: Data Practice Request090616_1202pm.pdf

Attachment: Harassment of Ibrahim Isaac by Chief Bentrud - Chapter 13 data request112717_732am.pdf 62K

Ibrahim Isaac's Complaint vs Corrupt Judge Landwehr?

More to come . . .

Related links:

Update On Minnesota Board of Peace Officer Standards and Training's (POST) Rigged Investigation? Chapter 13 Data Request To Test To See If Nathan R. Gove, POST Executive Director & Police Chief Board Members Dave Bentrud, Waite Park Police Chief & Paul Schnell, Maplewood Police Chief Comply With Data Practice Laws

Ibrahim Abdiaziz Isaac Files Complaint VS Corrupt Stearns Co. Judge Landwehr 73-CR-16-2736? Will St. Cloud Times - #UniteCloud - CAIR MN - State Representative Ilhan Omar Step Up And Help Isaac As Much As Nemmers Has, Hmm? (Not, Right?) Landwehr Forced To Recuse Herself From Isaacs' Rigged Case? Hey Ibrahim Has All Sorts Of Incriminating Audio Recordings, Hasn't He? He Has, Hasn't He?