Saturday, May 3, 2014

Faribault County Parents: Are Your Children Safe? Blue Earth ISD. #2860 Students Interrogated? Superintendent Evan Gough Teaching Blue Earth Area Students That He Is Above The Law? Gough Illegally Withholding Public Data? Gough Can't Be Trusted With Position of Power, Can He? Alyssa Drescher & Father Leo Koppala Scandals Symptom Of Larger Problem, Right?

I had a really good laugh reading this article which quoted Blue Earth ISD. #2860 Superintendent Evan Gough, didn't I? I did, didn't I?

"The important thing to get across: everything is situational," said Evan Gough at Blue Earth Area. "Very few things for school administrators are black and white." Leaders: Discretion needed when weapons found by Jodelle Greiner - Staff Writer , Fairmont Sentinel, May 3, 2014.

According to Gould there are special rules for superintendents (special rules for special people, right?), aren't there? There are, aren't there?

That's why Superintendent Gould said this: "Very few things for school administrators are black and white," isn't it? It is, isn't it?

What Superintendent Gould really means is that Superintendent Gould is above the law, isn't it? It is, isn't it?

That is why Superintendent Gould has used his "discretion" to illegally withhold public data from me, isn't it? It is, isn't it?

2013 Minnesota Statutes. 13.09 PENALTIES.  Any person who willfully violates the provisions of this chapter or any rules adopted under this chapter is guilty of a misdemeanor. Willful violation of this chapter by any public employee constitutes just cause for suspension without pay or dismissal of the public employee.

You see the reality of the real world is that the unspoken law is that there are two different sets of laws: one set for those people who feel that they are above the law, like Superintendent Gould; and a different set for everyone that else that Superintendent Gould dictates to, right? That's right, isn't it?

That is why Superintendent Gould feels that he can dictate that I have no right to public data, when I do, right? That's right, isn't it? (How can you feel safe when the clown in charge is deluded into thinking that he is above the law, huh?)

"The main purpose is to assure a safe school environment for students, staff and the public," said Fairmont Area Superintendent Joe Brown said, quoting the policy. "I want our schools to be sanctuaries of safety." Leaders: Discretion needed when weapons found by Jodelle Greiner - Staff Writer , Fairmont Sentinel, May 3, 2014.

Superintendent Gould is just one of the many petty dictators in Faribault County, isn't he? He is, isn't he?

Faribault County Attorney Troy Timmerman feels that he can dictate that Father Leo Charles Koppala can have his exculpatory evidence illegally withheld, doesn't he? He does, doesn't he?

The City of Blue Earth feels that they have a right to illegally withhold public data from me & frame Father Leo Charles Koppala, right? They do, don't they?

The City of Mapleton & the City of Wells feel that they have a right to illegally search Alyssa Drescher locker, don't they? They do, don't they?

The City of Wells and United South Central Superintendent Jerry Jensen feel that they have a right to illegally withhold public information from me, don't they? They do, don't they?

And the petty dictators who feel that they have a right to commit crimes at will hate the people who question their actions, don't they? They do, don't they?

And that is also why they hate people who desire justice, isn't it? It is, isn't it?

Bonus Round: Can Blue Earth ISD. #2860 Superintendent Evan Gough Be Trusted To Tell You The Truth - The Whole Truth - And Nothing But The Truth? He Can't, Can He?

Did Superintendent Evan Gough tell you the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth here?

"Minnesota is the only state where the principal has the right to go into lockers at any time," he said. "We don't need reasonable cause. Other states have to have reasonable cause. Your right to privacy with the locker is pretty much gone in Minnesota." Leaders: Discretion needed when weapons found by Jodelle Greiner - Staff Writer , Fairmont Sentinel, May 3, 2014.

Superintendent Evan Gough didn't, did he? He didn't, did he?

A. Lockers and Personal Possessions Within a Locker
Pursuant to Minnesota statutes, school lockers are the property of the school district. At no time does the school district relinquish its exclusive control of lockers provided for the convenience of students. Inspection of the interior of lockers may be conducted by school officials for any reason at any time, without notice, without student consent, and without a search warrant. The personal possessions of students within a school locker may be searched only when school officials have a reasonable suspicion that the search will uncover evidence of a violation of law or school rules. As soon as practicable after the search of a student’s personal possessions, the school officials must provide notice of the search to students whose lockers were searched unless disclosure would impede an ongoing investigation by police or school officials. II. GENERAL STATEMENT OF POLICY, MSBA/MASA Model Policy 502

Superintendent Evan Gough was caught lying by omission, wasn't he? He was, wasn't he?

C. Personal Possessions and Student’s Person
The personal possessions of students and/or a student’s person may be searched when school officials have a reasonable suspicion that the search will uncover a violation of law or school rules. The search will be reasonable in its scope and intrusiveness. II. GENERAL STATEMENT OF POLICY, MSBA/MASA Model Policy 502

Oh, that's right, isn't it? Superintendent Evan Gough believes that if he tells you half truths, limited truths, and truths out of context that he isn't lying by omission, right? Telling you half truths, limited truths, and truths out of context is telling you the truth according to Gould's arbitrary and capricious (willy/nilly or to support a hidden political agenda, right?) standards, right? Things are only black and white (right/wrong) for superintendents when they arbitrarily and capriciously (willy/nilly or to support a hidden political agenda, right?) decide they are, aren't they? They are, aren't they?

B. School officials may inspect the personal possessions of a student and/or a student’s person based on a reasonable suspicion that the search will uncover a violation of law or school rules. A search of personal possessions of a student and/or a student’s person will be reasonable in its scope and intrusiveness. IV. PROCEDURES, MSBA/MASA Model Policy 502

You're just suppose to be smart enough and informed enough to know what he is leaving out, right? Superintendent Evan Gough can't be trusted with his position of power, can he? He can't can, he?

More to come . . . .

Related links:

Scandal Update On Alyssa Drescher's Suspicious K-9 Search? City Of Wells Still Making Illegal Demands To Dodge Data Requests? Council Member John P. Herman Fails To Report On Investigation Of Data Dodge Scam? Mapleton Police Chief Honsey Upset & Harassing Nemmers Over Request To Define "Alert"? Superintendent Jensen "Lawyered Up" Instead Of Sending Nemmers Public Expulsion Data?

Was Father Leo Koppala Framed? Evidence Was Illegally Withheld By County Attorney Timmerman In Case No. 22-CR-13-347, Wasn't It? Diablolical Data Dodging Scam By City Of Blue Earth? Request For Interrogation Data From Chief Tom Fletcher Struck A Nerve & Triggered Illegal Monetary Demands For Data? Sounds Like A Frame-Up, Doesn't It?

Well's Student Alyssa Drescher Victim Of Illegal Search & Seizure By United South Central Personnel, Wells & Mapleton Police? Trained Drug Dog Alerts On Perfume & Lotion? Mapleton Chief Ben Honsey Too Busy Reading Lion News For 6 Hours, 41 Minutes & 6 Seconds To Fulfill Nemmers' Data Request?

City Of Wells Data Dodging Scam For Expelled Student Alyssa Drescher? Petty Dictator Leslie Dictates That Nemmers Fill Out Retarded City Form To Get Data Emailed To Him? Yet, Petty Dictator Leslie Gives Nemmers Public Data Over Phone Without Filling Out Form?