Friday, November 8, 2013

Nemmers' Call To Ramsey Co. Sheriff Bostrum About Malicious Prosecution Of Andrew "Buttinski" Henderson (Case No. 62SU-CR-12-4910) & And Illegally Withheld Public Data - Results In Second Change Of Trial Date? New Trial Date 12/30/2013 (8:45 AM) Judicial Officer Alshouse, Diane R.?

Lion News: Ramsey Co. Sheriff Bostrum All Lawyered Up? Evidence Destroyed In Henderson Case?

Wow! Looks like I forced another trial date change for Andrew "Buttinski" Henderson of Little Canada, doesn't it?

Lion News: Ramsey Co. Attorney Choi All Lawyered Up? Evidence Destroyed In Henderson Case?

Case No. 62SU-CR-12-4910
State of Minnesota vs ANDREW JOSEPH HENDERSON ("Buttinski" From Little Canada?)
12/30/2013Jury Trial  (8:45 AM) (Judicial Officer Alshouse, Diane R.)
09/09/2013Reset by Court to 11/12/2013
11/12/2013Reset by Court to 12/30/2013

And all I did was called up and try to talk to lawless Ramsey Co. Sheriff Matt "The Spoliator" Bostrom, wasn't it?

Call To Ramsey Co. Sheriff Matt Bostrom: Topic - Malicious Prosecution Of Andrew "Buttinski" Henderson (Case No. 62SU-CR-12-4910) & And Illegally Withheld Public Data - Results In Sheriff's Office Hanging Up On Me & No Call Back?

It certainly looks like I have accomplished a lot more for "Buttinski" Henderson than his Mn Chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), doesn't it? If "Buttinski" Henderson wasn't so petty and stupid, then he and I could have had this case dropped a long time ago, right? But petty and stupid people don't think that way, do they? Petty and stupid people are so arrogant that they think that they are smarter than the wisest man, aren't they? And that is Andrew "Buttinski Henderson's problem, isn't it? It is, isn't?

The way of a fool is right in his own eyes: but he that hearkeneth unto counsel is wise. Proverbs 12:15

The only real "skill" that a petty and stupid individual has is the ability to whine, piss & moan, isn't it? Their strategy is to try to shame the people with actual skills, real knowledge, and tested wisdom to do their bidding for them, isn't it? However, I don't allow petty and stupid people to manipulate me, do I? Maybe Andy "Buttinski" Henderson will crack over the holiday season and take a plea deal, huh?

More to come . . .

See Previous Posts:

Call To Ramsey Co. Sheriff Matt Bostrom: Topic - Malicious Prosecution Of Andrew "Buttinski" Henderson (Case No. 62SU-CR-12-4910) & And Illegally Withheld Public Data - Results In Sheriff's Office Hanging Up On Me & No Call Back?

Sheriff Bostrom: You're Still Illegally Withholding My Public Data For Andrew Joseph Henderson, Aren't You?

State of Minnesota vs ANDREW JOSEPH HENDERSON - Case No. 62SU-CR-12-4910: 09/09/2013 Jury Trial - Head Kangaroo: D. Alshouse?

State of Minnesota vs ANDREW JOSEPH HENDERSON - Case No. 62SU-CR-12-4910: Now 11/12/2013 Jury Trial - Head Kangaroo: D. Alshouse?

State of Minnesota vs ANDREW JOSEPH HENDERSON - Case No. 62SU-CR-12-4910: Judge Steamrolls Over Frivolous ACLU Defense?

State of Minnesota vs ANDREW JOSEPH HENDERSON - Case No. 62SU-CR-12-4910

Internal Affairs Complaint VS Ramsey Co.'s Randall Gustafson - Contemptuous Attitude?

Will Ramsey County Deputies Charge Andrew "Buttinski" Henderson For Giving A Deputy "The Bird" ... AKA "The Finger"?

Corrupt Little Canada & Ramsey County Officials Begin To Panic As Nemmers Continues To Expose Malicious Prosecution In State of Minnesota vs Andrew Joseph Henderson - Case No. 62SU-CR-12-4910?